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Lexi had decided that she was going to stay. She knew that none of it was easy. But she was going to stay. She knew how Sam had cheated on her. But she couldn't leave. She couldn't leave Hannah.

Lexi smiled. She stood in the kitchen. Hannah walked in "I am going to get my own place as soon as I can. I know it's a burden having me here," she said.

Hannah looked to her and frowned. "You are no burden. Don't even say such a thing. Look I like having you here. Bedsides, Ella is here. And you can see what it is like to have a baby, can't you?"

Lexi looked to her. She smiled. "Thanks. You're the best. Do you know that?" She said.

Hannah smiled. "I know that my father is a jerk. I know that he has hurt you. But you don't need him. I am here for you. No matter what happens. It will all be okay," she told her.

Lexi looked to her and smiled. "I didn't want it to be like this. But he cheated on me. I can't go back to him. I have to do what is best for me and the baby."

Hannah smiled. "That's understandable."


Lexi got to work and stood by reception. Sam walked over to her. She looked to him and rolled her eyes. "What do you want Sam? I am not in the mood," Lexi said.

Sam sighed. "I need to talk to you. Look things are a mess. But you are having my baby."

Lexi looked to him and sighed. "Yes I am. But that means nothing, I am not going to take you back because of it. I am not going to take you back in general. You cheated on me. You hurt me. So you are going to have to get any ideas of us getting back together out of your head. It isn't going to happen. You're the father and I am not going to cut you out. But you let this baby down, and you are done I mean it," she told him as Sam sighed.

She looked to him and sighed. She hated him for what he had done. How he had hurt her. She knew that she had to try and let him in the baby's life. As much as she didn't want to.

All that Lexi knew was that letting Sam be a father to her baby was the right thing. Despite what he had done, he was the father of her baby. And she hated him because of it.


Lexi sat in the staffroom. She sighed as she rested a hand in her bump. Lexi knew how scared that she was because of it. She was scared about how she was going to do all of this.

Lexi knew that she was going to have a baby and she knew that she was doing it alone. She knew just how terrified that she was. She knew that none of it was going to be easy. She just hoped that she could do it.

But with Sam being the father, would he be able to worm his way back in?

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