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Lexi had been back working at the ED for a few weeks. She knew it was hard being back around Sam. Lexi knew she wanted him back. But it wasn't that easy. Lexi knew how her head was a mess.

She stood in front of the mirror and sighed as she saw the small bump. It was the reason she had come back to tell Sam that she was pregnant. But it wasn't that easy. She still loved Sam. Even if he was never there for her.

Lexi knew her head was a complete mess and that she needed to tell Sam she was pregnant. But it wasn't that easy at all.


Lexi drove into work and sighed. She rested a hand on her bump and sighed. She knew that she was keeping her baby and even if Sam didn't want it, she was going to keep it. She would have it alone if she had to. Even if it scared her.

Lexi stood from her car and walked into the ED. She was feeling nauseous and knew it was down to morning sickness.

Lexi walked into the staffroom as she saw Sam. He looked at her and smiled. "Can we talk later?" He asked.

Lexi looked at him and nodded.


Lexi walked out of Resus as she saw Hannah. Hannah looked at Lexi and smiled. "You look terrible," Hannah said.

Lexi looked at her and rolled her eyes. "Thanks. You don't look your best either," she said.

Hannah looked at her and smiled. "I'm pregnant. What's your excuse?" She asked as Lexi said nothing. She looked to the ground. Hannah looked at her and frowned. "Oh my god. You're not?"

"I am. Keep it quiet though. No one knows. I haven't even told Sam yet," Lexi said.

Hannah smiled and pulled Lexi into a hug. "I know you're worried. But he is a good dad. I mean look at me and Grace. It will be okay. He will support you through this," she said.

Lexi smiled slightly and looked at her. She knew that Sam was a good dad. That wasn't what scared her. She was scared to get close to Sam again. Scared that she was going to fall in love with him again only for him to end up breaking her heart.

But she knew that no matter what, that she was going to have to do the right thing and tell Sam she was having his baby.


Lexi walked into the office and smiled as she saw Sam. "I want you back Lexi. It's as simple as that. You and me are great together. Those three months without you were awful and I'd do anything to keep you here. To be back together and happy like we used to be in New York," he said.

Lexi looked at him and smiled. She knew that she wanted him back too. "It's not that easy Sam."

"Why not? Tell me a reason why we can't do this," he said as he stood up and moved towards Lexi.

Lexi sighed. "Because I'm four months pregnant. I can't let you break my heart again," she said as Sam frowned.

Lexi took his silence as rejection. She turned and walked out. But could she truly raise a baby alone?

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