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Lexi groaned as Sam climbed into bed. He had been working late a lot lately and she missed him. They hadn't been having as much time for themselves lately.

Lexi rolled over and wrapped her legs around his waist. "I missed you,"she mumbled. She could feel his semi-hard member against her thigh.

"I've missed you too."

Lexi looked at him through her half closed eyes. She pulled him close. "I want you."

"Turn around then."

Lexi rolled her eyes. She felt Sam push into her from behind. She knew that Sam wasn't putting his all into their relationship and it was doing her head in.

The next morning, Lexi sighed as she made her way through to the living room. She sat on the sofa and turned on the TV. She wanted to go back to New York. She couldn't stay there. Not anymore.

Lexi grabbed her phone and sighed. She began searching up flights for New York. She found one for that morning. She booked it and felt her heart break. She didn't want to leave. But she knew she had no choice.

Sam woke a few hours later. He saw the flat was empty. "Lexi?"

Instead of finding Lexi, he found a note on the table;

I'm sorry for this. I really am... but I've gone. I'm going back to New York. I'm not happy here. I thought I would be cause I was born over here. But I'm not.
I'm so sorry.
I will always love you,
Lexi xoxo

Sam swore. He grabbed his phone and tried to call her. She wasn't answering. He text her hoping she would get it;

Come back. Please - Sam x

Lexi was sitting in the airport. She didn't want to leave but she felt like she had no choice. It was all getting to her. Sam had promised her she would be happy but she wasn't.

She felt a tear escape her eyes as her flight was called. Just as she was about to go over to check in, she heard Sam. "Don't go."

Lexi turned to him. "I have to. I'm not happy here Sam. I'm always stuck in the flat. I have nothing to stay here for."

"For me. For us."

"What us? The only us I know is when you want to have sex. I hate it. I don't want us to keep having sex when you want. I'm sick of you coming back during all hours. Wanting to do me from behind and then pretending I don't exist," Lexi said.

Sam took her hand. "I will help you. I promise. You can come and work in the ED with me. I need a PA."

"You're just saying this to make me stay. I'm sorry. I'm going."

Hannah looked up as her dad stormed in. "Dad?"

"Lexi. She's gone back to New York. She thinks I'm not giving her enough love and attention."

Hannah was shocked. "You have to sort this out dad. We all like Lexi. She's been way too kind. Get her back."

Sam nodded. He was going to get his girl back. No matter what it cost.

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