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Lexi had finally got her own flat. She was preparing to have her baby. But she knew how it wasn't easy. She and Sam were having a baby. She knew how angry that she was that things had to be this way.

Lexi knew that this wasn't how she wanted to have a baby. She knew how she wanted things to be okay with her and Sam. But it wasn't going to be.

He had cheated on her. He had broken her heart. She knew that it wasn't going to be that easy.

Lexi got ready. She smiled as she saw a text off of Hannah and sent a reply. She sighed as she saw that Sam was calling her. She declined the call and sighed as she ran a hand through her hair.

She knew how she had to try and make it work and she hated it. Lexi knew how she had to try and find a way to coparenting with Sam. But she had no idea how she was going to do it. She had no idea if she could.

Part of her still loves him. But he had broken her heart and Lexi knew it wasn't going to be easy. None of it was.

Lexi grabbed her phone and her keys off of the side. She placed them into her bag. She rested her hand on her bump and smiled.

Lexi knew just how complicated everything was. And she hated it


Lexi got to work. She walked into the staffroom. She smiled as she saw Hannah.

Hannah looked to her and smiled. "Are you okay? I kinda miss you in the flat. How are you in your own place?" She asked.

Lexi looked to her and smiled. "I'm okay. I mean, I know it's not easy. But I'm doing it for my girl. Besides, you and Cal and Ella are a family. You don't need me around."

Hannah looked to her and smiled. "It doesn't mean that we don't miss you. As long as you're okay. And my father isn't being a dick as per," Hannah said

Lexi looked to her and smiled. "I can handle him. Besides, Esmè is who I am focusing on," she said.

Hannah squealed and nodded. "My little sister? Esmè. I like it. But does she get his last name?" She asked.

Lexi looked to her. She smiled. "Depends if he earns the right before I give birth," she said as Hannah looked to her and smirked.


Lexi stood by reception. She looked up to see Sam as he walked over to her. He looked to her and smiled. "Can we talk?" He asked.

Lexi looked to him. She nodded. "If it's about the baby, then yes," she said.

Sam looked to her and sighed. "Please Lex. I miss you," he told her.

Lexi shook her head. "Don't Sam. You ruined us. You don't get to miss me," she said as she pulled away from his grip and walked off.

Sam looked after her and sighed. He missed Lexi. He wanted her back. But he knew it wasn't going to be that easy. Not one bit.

But could he find a way to win Lexi back?

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