Family Reunion

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me and the boys asked my 'so called sister' for what her address was so I could maybe...see my mom!

    Me and the boys knocked on the door of the girls house,a man answered and took her daughter protectively and said, "who are you!?, AND WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM US!"the man screamed,the some of the boys went back to the car scared while me,Jesse, and. Robaire stayed behind. We told the man about the photo and he let us in without hesitation..
I walked into the house with the Jesse and robaire to see a women sitting at the kitchen table of some sort,I walked up to her in my outfit from the concert which was kind of revealing but I didn't mind... the women looked at me finally and hugged me?...
"Un nice to meet you.."I greeted nervously. She looked at me smiling and told me, "hello dear..I'm good thank you,umm this is straight forward but I might be your birth mother sweetie.."my eyes widened, and so did robaires.. shockinglyI glanced at the girl from the concert cause hse was staring at robaire all flirty!she looked away when she saw me, scared and worried of what I would do.

A couple minutes later...
I was talking to my mother when she asked me
  "So y/n... who might this fine young man be?.."she asked me in a playing voice. "Um mom,this is my boyfriend Robaire"i greeted him to her.she shook his hand and smiled warmly to him,he smiled back. But then...., she dragged him into the other room! I was so worried she was gonna embarrass me! I walked slowly over to the other room and heard my mom say, "well Robaire...I accept you. But!if you try anything with my will pay!..."she said threatening. I got really scared myself too. I walked back into the living room, when I saw my so called 'sister' staring at me..?
    "Um yes..?"I asked her. She responded by saying,"oh um nothing..but, STAY AWAY FROM MY ROBAIRE HES MINE GOT IT!!"she yelled at me.i flinched. But,just in time for Robaire to hear the whole thing too!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16, 2022 ⏰

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