Zodiac Signs in a breakup

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Aries: "Okay? I cheated on you anyways"

Leo: "So you think you're better than me?"

Gemini: "Your bestfriend was good in bed last night"

Sagittarius: "Pack your bags and leave my house"

Libra: "Wow. I can't believe you would do this to me"

Capricorn: Is the one that breaks up with their partner

Aquarius: "You have five seconds to apologize or else"

Virgo: "We were never even dating!!"

Scorpio: "You're literally in a car that I'm driving right now, you might want to pray because you're going to need luck after this"

Taurus: "Buy me McDonald's on your way out please!"

Cancer: Cries about it all month

Pisces: Breaks up with them before they can do it first

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