Zodiac Signs when someone talks about them behind their backs

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Aries: "Um keep my goddamn name out of your mouth you dumb piece of shit"

Leo: "So you're talking about me huh?? Remember that time you peed yourself during our sleepover and you have a 9 in this class so shut the hell up"

Sagittarius: "Wasn't she just saying I was her bestfriend forevs??"

Libra: Talks about that person while they're talking about them

Gemini: "That's why I slept with your boyfriend last night and he enjoyed it"

Aquarius: Stares at them like they lost their mind

Scorpio: Tells the whole school all their secrets

Virgo: Not even bothered by the situation

Taurus: "I'm getting bored. Are you ever going to say something that's actually true or.."

Capricorn: Starts crying

Cancer: "Why do you hate me so much?!"

Pisces: "Hah they're behind me for a reason ;)"

Ophiuchus: "Girl look at you, you know your life is unstable if you're talking shit about me"

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