Fire Signs when someone says "You're ugly"

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Aries: Sweetheart I am not your mirror. Also you can't be talking when you have split ends sis so you need to get yourself in check before talking, kay?

Leo: Don't hate me cause I'm prettier than you and your whole family. Also I know you wear heavy makeup just because you're insecure about your dry crusty lips that you never chap, and your uneven eyebrows and all that acne on your face. *realizes she has acne too* uM aNd gIrL dOn'T lEt mE gEt sTaRtEd oN tHoSe eLePhAnT eArS oF yOuRs-

Sagittarius: Ugly? Bitch- *pulls out the uno reverse* I didn't even need it. I can't even look at you because I'm afraid my eyes will burn from another traumatizing experience. Sorry I don't have the time to speak to things that look like they've been stepped on girlie.

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