Reborn Witty With A Slice Of Humor

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Sweat Dreams Are Made Of This



Sweet Dreams Are Made Of This played in the background as a body was struck by a truck in a parking lot of Walmart, from a driver not caring about pedestrians, the driver speeding down the parking lot though I; Kiro was struck by this truck, glass filed the air in slow motion, so did blood, and my body was flying slowly in the air like in comedy movies I've seen growing up, and people around looked on, and they scream slowly in slow motion, putting their hands over their cheeks in shock, and they say the light flashes before your eyes when you die, yet sadly I've been to hell and back with dealing with abusive family members, and there was no happy memories for me, so there was no flashing lights before my eyes, because I didn't give two shits about some of my family members, but soon darkness took over my mind as my body was flying in the air, and I knew I was deader than a fucking doornail, fuck I was floppy the fish now that's dead and being flushed down the fucking shitter, going out to the sewage of humanity, until I go into the waste pipes out to the ocean like Finding Nemo.
I was upside down in death like floppy the fish.
Other references of floppy the fish is for a winky that please a woman, and you can't get it up.
I use floppy the fish for other scenarios too, but forget about that.
I was dead, and I wondered if I was going to hell, and when I was about to think of it, I heard the song Never Gonna Give You up playing in a loud way and my eyes saw darkness of my eyelids, and I groan as I was being Rick Rolled by the universe, and I slowly open my eyes, and blink in shock that I was laying in a bed not my own, and I sit up, seeing I'm in sleepwear that is modest that I would wear, which is a men's black t-shirt that was checkered in red and black, and the pants were the same colors I wore, and I was barefoot.

Suddenly memories painfully flooded into my head, and other knowledge, and I was the sister of literal Captain James Kirk, well he will soon be Captain in the future but not now if we are in the Academy.
And....wait I have anime powers that don't exist here in this world but in my world I died in?!
Holy fuck!
My smarts went up too, but still I have the same personality at home, witty, sarcastic, mouthy, don't take shit from nobody, and as well my cursaholic-self.
Well ain't I the Life of the party in this universe of Star Trek, cause I know by my memories flooding here I shock people and they say I act like someone from the 21st century, as well as a damn Klingon in how I curse.
I don't mind Never Gonna Give You Up, but I feel the humor is fucked up when Sweet Dreams Are Made Of This played when I died in my head, and then I'm being Rick-Fucking-Rolled dammit!

I remember today that since classes are not running today that my big brother who I call Jamie was gonna take me to a damn fucking bar.
I sigh as I get up from I guess the nap I had, and I usually change into my sleeping wear when I sleep, and I usually have my hair short like back in my world, military cut with a feather design with a moon in the back, and bats that look like birds in the back with it, my hazel gold eyes in this world came from the man our Mom met and then she had me, who she's married to as well, and I never met Jamie's birth father, because he was murdered I heard from Jamie, and I would've loved to meet him to be honest in these memories I'm getting, because he was a good man, but my father was a hard worker, yet hardly at home growing up, and Jamie had to stay at home with me growing up, even defended me from bullies who picked on me for being naturally chubby, thus made me start dressing a boy instead of a woman, and cut my hair short, and then my powers came upon me when I was thirteen, it seemed shocking to my Mom and Jamie, but before I turned thirteen my father suddenly mysteriously disappeared, and I had a feeling he was an a different humanoid species, probably from another world not discovered, and he had powers he had hidden from my mother.
The chubby genes came from my father's grandfather, which skipped him, but dropped onto me, including the rare golden hazel eyes.
My love for 1970's and 1980's music came from my father, and we'd often jam to it, and be goofy, and it always made people in public look at us like we are nutcases, seriously!
It made my Mom and brother Jamie laugh.
These memories were way better than the ones from my world, making a tear roll down my cheek, and sniffle.

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