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Ya Ramlah boarded the car and I placed all her stuff in the boot and sat on the driver's seat. She was quiet all the way and I didn't want to bother her. Her mother fell sick and from the moment she'd been told...she was feeling off. She took permission to go and stay with her mother since Umul Fadl was with her husband and they lived farther away from her mother's home. Uncle Musa was the only one at home with Umm Ramlah.

We reached their house and I carried her bags inside. I met Uncle Musa reading a newspaper in the living room.

"Salaamu alaikum warahmatullaah wabarakaatuh Uncle" I salaamed.

"Ohh Wa alaikumus salaam warahmatullaah. Zaid Baaba! How are you?"

"I am fine Uncle,Alhamdulillaah"

"That's great. Where is my princess?"

"She is here,she wants to stay with Umm Ramlah for a few days" I explained before anyone would think of something horrible.

"She should not have bothered...Umm Ramlah has an Abu Ramlah to take care of her" I smiled on his romantic words.

"I had to come cannot do that alone" Ramlah said and hugged her father.

Uncle Musa took us to Umm Ramlah's room and we met her in a very critical condition. I prayed for her quick recovery and asked Ramlah to take good care of her. I announced my departure and walked out of the room but someone followed me,my wife.

"Are you going already?" She asked,playing with her fingers.

"Are you missing me already?" I answered her question with a question.

"Not actually" she pouted.
I hugged her so tightly and kissed her forehead.

"I will miss you too my wife!" I said in the middle of the hug.

"I will come back as soon as mom gets better Ok" I nodded.

"Now please allow me to go" she giggled and disengaged from me.

"Bye...please take care of Mukhtaar"

"I will" I said and left.

I opened the door to my car and my phone stopped ringing. I looked at the number and it was unknown. I called it back and it got recieved on the first ring.

"Bro!" She was crying.

"Ah-Ahmata!" I panicked. She called me with a national number...she was back home,she was crying too! Something is definitely wrong!

"Please come home Bro...I will send you the address" she said in a broken voice. I waited for the address and started driving the moment my phone beeped.


I knocked on the door and a middle aged woman opened it.

"You are Zaid right?" She asked without waiting for my salaam. I nodded. "Please go in and help us,Rahmata is keeping us all in the dark. We don't know what happened to her and why she suddenly came back home" she explained. She showed me the room that she was in and I met her crying.

She threw her arms around me the moment I entered and started crying. Astonished...I gently peeled her hands from me.

"What are you doing? I am a non-mahram!" I slightly yelled on how quickly she forgot!

"I know that Zaid! I know!" She yelled and I felt guilty. She was not in the right state of mind,I should have understood her and not yelled at her.

"Sorry" I whispered.

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