
696 25 36

TW swearing, wounds


I lay in bed thinking. I was still upset about what happened to Darryl. That absolute BASTARD! WHY DOES HE HURT DARRYL?!

I stared at the ceiling in the pitch black. Once again, it was a silent night, except for the coyotes howling with each other.
Did I dare go back to the woods? I kind of need them right now. The way the atmosphere felt so calm.
I quickly threw my covers off and grabbed my flashlight. I slipped my shoes on, and quietly sneaked out the door. I could see the big oak trees in the distance.

The leaves crunched underneath me, everything was normal. I climbed the same tree I did last time, when I see the same pair of eyes.
I bit my lip from screaming, as I slowly climbed down, hoping I wouldn't imitate whoever's eyes those were.

I couldn't help my self, and turned to stop running, until I heard someone whisper-shout, "Wait!"

I turned back around to face whoever said that. It was...


I could've cried tears of happiness.

"Hi." I say shyly

"Hi again." Darryl said and smiled. I looked at his cheek, and there was still some blood on it.

"I'm sorry about earlier." I say with a sad face

"Its not your fault." He said calmly

"I'm Zak." I said

"Darryl." He answered back

"So, do you always come here?" I asked

"Almost every night. The only times I don't is when my dad is really mad, or if I can't walk."

"Can't walk?" I asked

"Like the time he kicked my ankles." He said casually



"What about you?"

"No I don't always come here. Just when I'm upset. I'm being fostered here." I say


I sat down and patted next to me for Darryl to sit next to me.
Darryl sat down and I asked, "So, are we friends now?"

He smiled. "Of course!"

I smiled back. "How about we meet each other here every night, because Margaret won't let me see you in the daylight?"

"Sure! Same with my dad."

Darryl looked at the moon.

"I think I should go back home now." Darryl said with a sigh.

"Okay." I respond, feeling sad again.

"Well, bye." Darryl said, waving

I waved back and turned my flashlight back on and went back home. I was happy that I finally met that boy.

Sorry it was shorter than usual (like skeppy)

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