What I thought

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TW abuse

Darryl POV

Zak kissed Jess. They kissed. I actually loved Zak

My heart squeezed itself so much, I felt it shatter into so many pieces it would take years to count them all.
I rush past them, still processing everything that had happened.

To add an insult to injury, my dad was not happy when he got home, as usual. So it was more of an injury to insult.

That night I decided to sneak into the woods. Me and Zak don't usually sneak out on school nights, but I hoped he would today.
While I walked I heard someone else walking near the same spit I was.
Yes! Zak's here! The thought making me start to run towards the small noise.

I saw Zak's black hair and grinning face appear out of the dark.

"Darryl! I got my first kiss!" He reminded me

The memory made me feel cold and sad again.

"I saw." I said coolly

"Why did you look so mad today?" He questioned with a confused look.

Forgetting to answer, I replayed everything that had happened. I broke down, right there and then.
Zak gasped, and bent down to hug me, who had fallen down because my legs were all shaky.

"Darryl, what's wrong?" He asked anxiously.

I made up an excuse, "My dad hurt me today." I sobbed, which wasn't a lie. I was too embarrassed to really say the reason why.

Zak's face scrunched up in anger, "I want to kill him!" He said furiously

I calmed him down by rubbing his arm, oh how I had the sudden urge to kiss him.

Due to the tiredness in Zak's eyes, I told him to go back to bed. He argued a little while, wanting to talk to me more (in which I wanted to, too).

"You need to save your energy for Jess." I said a little childishly and sarcastically

"What do you mean?" Zak asked

I felt sudden shame inside myself, deep with the shattered heart pieces.

"I-I mean you sh-should not be tired in case y-you need to k-kiss her again." I said again, regretting my words.


I started breathing harder.

"Are you.... jealous?"

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