The Boy in the Tree Again

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Darryl POV

Zak gave me a note when he went to get a tissue. As I was walking home

Go to the woods tonight. Its important.

I sigh, and tucked the note into my pocket as I kicked rocks and stones and continued to home.
When I got home, my Dad was gone I wondered what Zak wanted. What was so important?
I prepared dinner for my dad and me, but I didn't feel like eating. Instead, I just went to my room and lay on the bed, shutting my eyes and staring at the ceiling, nothing in my head except for Zak. I felt terrible and worn out.

I heard the door unlock and I quickly opened my eyes again. I jumped out of bed, where I saw my Dad, his face full of fury.


"Yes." I say calmly.

The mean in his face disappeared a little, and then he said, "Get me a plate."

I fixed his plate, wondering why he wasn't as mad as usual. He was still mad, but something told me he was a little bit happy?Probably just because he got to do it more with that women.

As soon as the sun hid itself, I sneaked out when my dad was sleeping, and hurried to the woods.

I walk slowly, sticks breaking from under my feet. I looked around for Zak, and smiled when I saw him in the tree where he first was.

"Hi Zak." I said softly

"Hi Darryl." Zak says back, gazing down at me with a calm expression

I asked, "Why did you tell me to come tonight?"

Zak jumped down from the tree, "I need to talk to you."

My face stopped smiling and formed into a slightly sad expression. Oh no, this can't be good.

Zak took my hands, intertwining our fingers and the world seemed to stop. The stars making spotlights on us as we were suddenly closer. Zak's beautiful eyes rested on mine.
Zak turned his face so his nose was next to mine. In my ear he whispered, "I love you Darryl" before closing the gap between our lips.
It was a soft, gentle kiss, but it felt like it would be the last. My love was mine.
After a few moments, we pulled away and heard a whoop from behind the tree. Out stepped Jess, cheering.

"Yeah! That's got to be the best love story ever!" She cheered more

"I love you Zak." I say, knowing he ment it too

"I love you Darryl." He says again

I felt a feeling I haven't been given before. Love.

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