Welcome to Life

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I ALWAYS hate getting up early. So I was terribly mad at Margaret for waking me up at 7:00.

"Honey, you have to go to school!" She said, shaking me

After 10 minutes, I rolled out of bed, wanting to feel the warm comfort of it again.
I changed into my clean uniform, actually liking the fit. The fabric was nice and cozy, just like my bed.

Margaret made me breakfast, and I ate it so fast, I was starving.

After brushing my teeth and my hair, I eventually got in David's old car and he putted me down to the school.

The schoolyard was packing with kids, I do admit. I could definitely make more friends here, with kids all sizes, ages and genders.
I'm a great looking guy, I would really get the girls, even the boys too.

I dove out from the backseat, and ran out to join the others.
Everyone was talking, and I walked around, occasionally gathering a few words from conversations.

After I explored the entire yard, the bell rang and everyone scrambled inside. They looked like they knew what they were doing.
I followed some people, each one going to a different locker and grabbed and stuffing books inside.

I looked at my papers Margaret gave me. They had my locker number, the combination, and my classes.
I found my locker and unlocked it. I set my books I didn't need for homeroom onto the cold bare surface.

I was running out of time. I quickly ran to homeroom after I scanned the paper for the room number.

I walked inside calmly, and I saw variations of boys and girls, each looking different from each other. I smiled to myself, maybe school would be fun.
The teacher walked in, waving to us and grinning just like Margaret does. He introduced himself as Mr. Sheeshcobabble.

After more and more classes, with more and more homework, I glanced at my paper to see that it was finally lunch hour. I laid all my books back into my locker and went to the cafeteria.

I grabbed a lunch that the school provided for us for free.

I looked around the lunch room, feeling slightly sad that I didn't make any friends yet.
Just then, I see a familiar light brown haired boy. It was Darryl. I walk quickly over to him, where he was sitting alone, looking cute in his uniform.

"Hi!" I say happily.

"Hey." He says, smiling

"I didn't know you went to this school!" I said, poking at my food.

"Yeah, I went here for a couple years." He admitted

"Nice. Guess you know your way around?" I asked

"Sure. You have never been here, right?" He asked back

"Oh man, is it noticeable?" I say nervously

"No! I just never seen you come here before! Very professional!" Darryl says sweetly

I giggled, and we talked a lot more. We barely ate any of our lunches.

The bell rang and I repeated the steps. Locker, books, class.

The last class of the day, math. I was pretty good at math, but I still didn't like it. As soon as I walked in, I noticed Darryl.
Yes! I thought, finally a class that has a cute person in it I giggled in my head mischievously.

We kept glancing at each other, sneaking small laughs and smirks.

David picked me up in his car at the end of the day, and all I could think about was Darryl. Now, I could see him everyday.

I already missed him, just by thinking of him.

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