Part 7

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You were too focused on the blood on your white skirt and didn't notice that the black car was waiting for you to cross the road. You walked a few steps and then looked up, you saw the car, but for you, nothing was suspicious. You continued to walk in the darkness, the wind blowed so hard and it started to rain

"Ugh Perfect!'' you said, rolling your eyes. It really wasn't the right time for rain.

You hold your hand to catch some rain then you start to run to get home faster.

There was no one outside, only the rainy clouds and the baby flowers, but for them, rain was important, the important thing for you was to get home safely before your clothes got destroyed and before a drunk man followed after you.

The rain falled down from the clouds like the tears that fell down your cheeks. Crystal drops, beautiful drops, hurtful drops.

Why did Hwasa has to be a murder? How could she just kill that man like if he was an insect? She looked so cute and innocent, why did she have to be bad? The thoughts hurt your head almost so it exploded.

Suddenly you noticed that there was a light that lit your way, at first you thought it was some street lamps but then you looked back, you saw no one, just a car. You looked forwards again, but then you saw flashbacks in front of you, like a movie. You looked back again and saw the same black car behind you as the one who was standing still before, now it was driving slowly behind you, the lights that lit your way came from the car. You tried to look at who was inside the car. But because of the darkness and the light that came from the car you couldn't see anyone in there.

You started to walk faster and when you heard the car coming closer you started to run.

The rain hit your face really hard and you started to lose your body heat. Just right now you wished that you didn't wear heels, because running with high heels was the worst thing ever, and now you knew for sure that your clothes were all destroyed.

The weakness started to eat your body, slowly. Soon you wouldn't be able to run anymore. You looked back again and saw that the car disappeared, it wasn't there. You stood still and bowed down trying to catch your breathing, then you heard it again, the sound of something rolling over the street. You looked back but it wasn't there

"I think they got lost, ugh, this day must be the worst day ever, as bad as the day I was born" You said trying to not fall apart.

You looked ahead again to walk but now you saw the car right in front of you, You backed a few steps and turned around to run away from this place. The adrenaline exploded in your body but as soon as you turned around you saw a black dressed man stand right in front of you. You didn't have time to think before the man put a hand on your mouth then put a fabric bag on your head and hit you on your head and everything turned black.

When you woke up, you found yourself in a fancy Cadillac Escalade. The inside of the car was so beautiful. You tried to stand up, but you were tied, both hands and feets. You tried to untie your hand but it didn't work, it was too hard.

You looked around you but no one was there, but suddenly the door unlocked and you saw a man entering the car. He had a black suit and his hair was perfectly styled. You looked at the man trying to catch eye contact. Then after he made himself comfortable at the seat he said

"Oh, they haven't untied you yet "

You tried to untie yourself again, but again, it didn't work.

He started untie you so you asked

"Who are you?" You asked him looking straight into his small eyes.

He looked into your eyes and smirked, then he fixed his sleeve and then looked straight into your eyes making you feel uncomfortable.

My best friend is a member of the mafiaحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن