Part 23 (Last part)

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"Put a finger down if you are good at dancing" Eunwoo said smiling

You put a finger down and so did Yeonjun and Mark

"Hey mark you can dance pretty good" Yeonjun laughed

"Stop being so rude I can dance better than you" he admitted

"Show us" You giggled

He stood up and started to do something a robot maybe would do

you laughed and Eunwoo started to film him

"You are so gonna regret this tomorrow" he said smirking at the video

"Put a finger down if you hate spiders" you said putting a finger down

All of them put their finger down as well.

"Put a finger down if you love rain"

Yeonjun and Eunwoo put their finger down.

You poured more soju for everyone and you took a pause from the game but then you played again and at the end you all had one finger left

"Mark it's your turn" Yeonjun reminded him

"Put a finger down if you..." he paused "Love someone sitting on this table"

At first you didn't think much about it but then when you saw that you were the only girl sitting on the table your face turned red because Mark looked at you putting his finger down, and so did Yeonjun and when you looked at Eunwoo his finger was already put down.

You looked at them one after one then... you also put your finger down. 


Word count: 229 words

Okay, so since I don't wanna make any of you disappointed I am going to write a part for each one of them, so if you wanna read them all, then you can, but if you also prefer to read one, you also can! 



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