Part 16

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The drive wasn't bad after all, because you all arrived safely, except that Soobin almost crashed into a wall for absolutely no reason.

"YOU DON'T KNOW HOW TO DRIVE?!" You yelled at him as soon as you got down from Yeonjun's motorbike, let me just add that he helped you down and that was so cute of him.

Soobin backed a few steps and held his hands up while flinching

"Ah really, I' sorry" he said "I didn't crash after all" he added

You went closer to him hitting him on his chest

"Aww" he said, "Is this how hard you can hit?, so cuuuute~~" he said, placing his hand on your head.

You glanced at him then hit him really hard so he let out a shriek.

"BROO I was kidding!!" he said, almost crying out of pain.

You rolled your eyes and started to go back to where the others stood laughing at the both of you, but suddenly you felt a really bad ache in your stomach that caused you to fall down on the hard ground.

"Y/N!" you heard someone yell, but because of the pain you couldn't focus on who or whom was shouting, you closed your eyes and the darkness made you stop feeling the pain, where were you?

"Doctor, how is she? will she have a chance of survival?" you heard a dominant, shaky male voice ask.

"She will be fine" he said "At least, I hope" he added. A moment of silence filled the room but then you heard the voice of who you thought was the doctor saying

"But you know, I'm not sure about what I did. This isn't my real jobb, but... I got out the bullet and in normal cases... she will feel less pain." the words was sharp to hear,

'this isn't my real job' just these five words echoing in your ears like if you were playing them on repeat, he's a doctor but doesn't work as a doctor? This makes no sense.

Less than a minute later a door opened then closed, and you guessed you were left all alone in the room you were in, so you carefully opened your eyes checking the place you were at. The room was small and there were two big windows at each side of the room that let in some sunshine. There were many animal cages and you started to wonder where exactly you were.

"You heard everything after all" Mark said making you jump of fear

"What's wrong with you all scaring me!!" you asked yelling at mark

He placed a hand on your head making you lay back on the bed

"I won't punish you for yelling at me because you're sick, but if you weren't, you would've already been doing 105 push-ups" he said

"Why the 100 and 5 tho boss?" you asked rolling your eyes

He let go a giggle then a smirk

"It's more painful" he said

"Painful?" you asked him "Where are we?" you asked him when he didn't answer the first question

He rolled his eyes with a smile on his face,

"you need some rest before our mission"

"Where are we?" you repeated your question

he played with your hair then answered

"At a veterinary"

"AT WHAT?" you asked really choked

"You need to rest" he said

You nodded and closed your eyes tightly, his behavior was really suspicious, is this the boss you know? Mark Lee? Or is it someone else? Maybe it's Yeonjun or Eunwoo or even Soobin but, how do they look like Mark? You didn't understand a thing and hoped that all this was a dream, you hoped that when you would wake up you would find yourself on Hwasa's couch or something. This job was painful and scary, are you even allowed to do stuff like these? What if this is illegal, but then your mom wouldn't have allowed you, but even if it was okay, can you just kill these innocent people?

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