24| Only You

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The part of figuring out the contract for the Once upon a time spinoff took actually ages for Sean and Lana. They had several meetings with the producers and writers, making up a whole schedule for them to work everything out. Sean had to contact some schools and nurseries, to inform them about Flynn and Leo, whilst Lana started to spend a lot of time with her closest friends before she would move away for another ten-month again. They were kind of used to that by now but nobody liked it when she was going. 

They even had a little surprise coming up for all the fans, to be honest. Since an OutlawQueen episode was planned, Sean actually got to ask the writer and producer if his own kids could play Regina and Robin's children on the show because as soon as his boys found out about that his father was going to film again, they were desperately telling him how much they would want to do the same. 

It was a blessing for Sean since he could make the dream of his kids come true and coordinate at the same time what they would do on set, which was highly important for him at that age. 

They would only have a small role with very short lines to say, which was totally fine with Sean. In addition, he thought it would be even easier working with his own kids than with some strangers. There will be a true fatherly bond between them and even Lana could play along way differently since she knew Flynn and Leo for years now. 

And if that's what his boys wanted, why don't give it a shot. Sean did start his career at the age of five and his whole family was in the entertainment industry, so it must be in their blood to have the willingness to learn lines and scenes. It was fun to see his children 'practicing' for the first time in front of the mirror or with Lana by their side. Other than usual, they had much time for preparation, since the writers were basically finished with the storylines and scripts since they waited almost a year to finally start filming. 

Sean and Lana had decided to move to Vancouver in December to settle in with the kids before the chaos began. Production started in January, so they had enough time to figure everything out. 

That's why they agreed to throw a little Thanksgiving party for the cast to basically reunite beforehand, on the  27th of November. As life goes, not everyone had the time or was in town, that's why it ended up with the usual crew consisting of Bex, Josh, Ginny, Colin and his wife Helen, who actually just flew in from Ireland, having the same plan as Lana and Sean with moving to Vancouver before Christmas. 

"But we want to have a party as well, daddy.", Flynn argued, not ready to give up just yet. 

"I know you want to, but this is an adult party. You know we already had a proper Thanksgiving on Thursday and today it's just us celebrating.", Sean explained. 

"You said actors are coming and we are actors now.", Leo said proudly, pointing at himself, which made Sean and Lana chuckle. 

"Not yet. We start filming in January. That's a bit more than a month, that means we have to prepare for the role you're going to play.", Lana said with a smirk. Both of the boys were extremely eager to learn their lines and facial expressions. It was admirable how much fun they put into it and how much heart to give their best. 

"We will have a huge family in Torybook.", Leo exclaimed excitedly, showing a wide span of his arms to make a statement. 

"No it's Storybrooke!", Flynn corrected him, grinning. "And we will have Roland and Henry as our big brothers….and Amélie is still our little sister on the show. What was she called again?", the seven-year-old asked, frowning. 

"It's Felicita. But you will call her 'Fee' most of the time, which is German for 'fairy'. You know a lot of names in the show have a deep meaning and Robin and Regina actually sort of met through a fairy, that's what her name should portray.", Lana grinned since she actually loved the idea that most of the names on Once are not randomly chosen. Regina means 'queen' in Latin, Zelena means 'green' in various Slavic languages, Cora means 'heart' in Greek, the list goes on. Even the surnames like 'Blanchard' had a deeper meaning since it derives from the Old French word blanchart which meant 'whitish, bordering upon white'. 

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