Chapter 12

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Megan Taylor

After we ate, we walked back to the hotel room while we decided what to do. The walk back was awkwardly silent, no one knowing what to say. Kayleigh had to leave do to another shoot. We all said goodbye to them, promising to meet up the next time we're here.

Katie, Nick and Chris walked ahead talking amongst themselves, sensing the tension between Matt and I.

We strolled along behind them, Matt desperately looking at me waiting for me to say something. I kept my head forwards, focusing straight ahead. I could tell Matt was upset but so was I.

Once we reached the hotel room, I walked over and sat on Chris's bed not wanting to have to deal with Matt at the moment. I sat down on the single bed, Chris squishing himself onto it as well sitting beside me.

"Are you sure you're ok?" He whispered to me, careful the others didn't hear.

"Yeah, just confused and a bit hurt if I'm honest. Like he just gave up on our relationship and didn't tell me when he found out he was moving" I said frustrated.

"I know Meg, it was wrong of him to do that"

Chris wraps his arm around my shoulders, I rest my head on his shoulder. I listen to Katie and Nick laughing and I resent them for being able to laugh when I feel so down.

Matt sat on our bed, concentrating on his phone. I don't think he was paying much attention though, he looked like he was in deep thought. My phone buzzed from where it was situated on my lap. I pick it up to see a message notification.

Harry Wilson
Hey Meg, I'm so
sorry about what
happened today, do
you think we could meet
up and talk?

I showed my phone to Chris, a shocked expression displayed on my face.

"Do you think he's being honest?" He asked.

"I don't know, he's never usually the way he was today"

"I think it's because he was jealous of Matt" He lowered his voice to me.

"What do you mean jealous of Matt?" I asked pretending like nothing has happened.

"I'm not stupid, he's my brother. I can tell something's going on there"

"I'm not denying anything, but I don't know where we stand as of right now" He smiled sadly at me. "Anyways what do you think I should do?"

"In my opinion, I think you should go and sort everything out. Then leave everything in the past"

"You give good advice Chris"

Megan Taylor
Hey Harry, yeah sure
I can't be gone long though
I have plans with my friends

I didn't have plans, I just didn't want to be stuck with him for longer than needed.

Harry Wilson
That's perfect, meet you
at the McDonalds?

Megan Taylor

I decide I needed to tell Matt, even though I was still upset with him, he needed to know I still only want him.

I stand up and walk over to where he was still situated on our bed.

"Hey Matt, can you come outside with me for a second?" I ask him, walking to the door of our hotel room. He follows me out, not making a sound.

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