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Mikasa POV

The three of them strode through the packed streets of Mitras in their MP uniforms, taken from the MPs that they captured earlier that day.

Mitch, Marlow and Boris.

Those were their names if memory served her, but at this point, she could barely remember what was real and what was fake.

The entire day had been hazy to the point where it had felt like a dream. Everything she did felt off, like something was missing.

Even now it all felt wrong. Walking in this uniform, down these streets, without Eren by her side. It was all wrong.

But that's just for now, soon this will all be over and things will be mostly back to normal. Eren might even forgive me, after all, I'm leading a suicide mission into the viper's nest.

On her left was Milieus and on her right Connie. Both gripped their muskets tightly, and though it wasn't visible on their faces, the rest of their body gave away how they were feeling.

We're nearly there, only two more streets and then we'll be at Zackly's house.

Well, 'house' isn't the right term. Manor would be better, though even that doesn't describe how it is compared to most other homes inside the walls.

As they turned a corner Zackly's home came into view, and even though it was fairly far away it stood out like a sore thumb amongst the rest of the houses.

It was made of the same bricks and wood, but his home was cleaner. Right up to the slated roof which looked brand new and down to the stones leading up to the house, which sparkled and gleamed beneath the sun.

The white stone which made up the walls of the house was incomparable to anything else, too white for even the cleanest set of teeth, and too white for bones that have been scrubbed and boiled for hours.

As they came closer she finally broke the silence.

"Milieus. You and I will go up to the door. Connie, you stay in the street and keep lookout. If any signs of trouble come warn us as fast as possible," she said in barely a whisper.

Both of them nodded and continued walking forward in complete silence.

Finally reaching the pearly white house Milieus and she broke off towards the door while Connie stopped just outside its gate and on the edge of the road.

They reached the door within several steps, but instead of her knocking on the door, it was Milieus.

Milieus rapped on the door a multitude of times, his knocks seemingly silencing the whole street.

Stay calm, Zackly will at least hear us out. He isn't that mad.

Or is he?

Instead of Zackly opening the door it was a servant, who upon seeing them fell silent with shock and fear.

Why is she so scared. Surely she doesn't know who were are. Unless... Unless I gave it away.

"We need to see Zackly," Milieus told the stunned servant, who barely reacted to his words. "Immidetly."

"Uh, of course," the servant started, her eyes darting towards Milieus's gun, then back to his face. "Please, come inside."

Milieus nodded his thanks and then went inside, the servant moving out the way as he walked into the pristine house.

Connie left his position at the side of the road and began walking towards the door, but she stopped him as he reached the door.

"Stay beside the window," she said in a whisper.

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