Chapter 1: Celebrity Mentor

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I was just sitting cross legged on our stage in acting class for college. I couldn't believe it was my final year, but I was beyond excited to be able to search for real jobs. I was just scribbling in my notebook, since I was obsessed with doing doodles when bored.

"I wonder who the college hired for our mentor. They said they would only be here this last semester, but they did say it was a big name," my best friend Cydnee rambled a bit. Her dark brown hair fell over her shoulder as she glanced at my random drawings.

"I have no idea, but last time they said they were getting a celebrity mentor, I heard it was someone no one had ever heard of," I recalled.

"Yeah, that's true." She pressed her lips together as my black hair brushed my lined paper before I flipped it back.

"I swear, I thought growing my hair out was such a great idea, but sometimes it really gets in my way."

"Tell me about it. That's why I got a few inches off mine recently," she agreed. Her locks still went down to at least her breasts though, while mine was nearly reaching my waist. I also had wispy bangs that I loved, which I got a week ago.

I couldn't understand why there was a hush over the room suddenly, raising my head to find Cydnee staring like all the other students. I knitted my eyebrows together in confusion until I saw him. I pressed my red lips together as I studied him in person, trying to keep my cool as he casually strode into the room.

"Hello, I'm Leonardo DiCaprio, and I'll be your acting mentor this semester," he announced while adjusting his suit jacket. All of the girls were practically drooling all over him, while the guys had mad respect for him too. I forced myself to stand after Cydnee, smoothing out my raspberry romper. "Today I want to just focus on the basics. I want you to make expressions for every scenario. Anger, frustration, joy, surprise, and with a partner, so they can tell you if it's believable."

I faced Cydnee as I asked her, "Partners?"

She giggled since it was obvious we would be from the start. "Duh."

We were doing our best to remain focused, but it was difficult with Leo passing through the small groups.

"You are so good at the sad expressions. I always look angry," Cydnee sighed.

"No, you don't. Just try to imagine something more sad. That should help."

My advice worked and she was already improving, while I couldn't feign fake surprise to save my life. It just kept coming across as forced, freezing up when Leo stopped beside us.

"That's a nice surprised face..."

"Diana," I finished for him.

"But try to relax your face a bit more, don't make it so dramatic."

I couldn't help but drop my mouth just from the fact he had signaled me out, him grinning beautifully.

"That's it. You already have the hang of it." He briefly touched my shoulder before removing his hand with a polite smile. After he left Cydnee nudged me, since I was staring.

"Oh my goodness, he literally touched your shoulder," she gushed.

"It was an accident," I shrugged off.

"Sure. You're so pretty, and he does date younger girls. I swear he keeps glancing over here."

"Don't. You know how easily I get my hopes up," I pleaded.

"I'm sorry. Let's get back to the exercise unless you want him to purposely come over here again." She wiggled her eyebrows as I sighed, him looking in our direction as my cheeks flushed. I have no idea how we got through the rest of the session, wanting to kill Cydnee when she purposely knocked my backpack out of my hands while I had it unzipped. She was smirking devilishly, since she was trying to snag me alone time with my celebrity crush. I crouched on the floor as everyone hurried from the auditorium, my eyes lifting when a pair of big hands started helping me with my school supplies.

"Thanks," I told him, clutching my notebook to my chest after I found it.

"No problem." He chewed on his bottom lip before giving me a stack of essay papers. My hand brushed against his, and I swear electricity shot up my arm.

"It was nice just going back to basics today. We've been doing such advanced stuff. I had kind of forgotten about those things."

"Yeah, we'll be diving back into the more advanced things too, but I thought this was best to start with." He touched the light stubble of his beard as I found my line of sight drifting to the ground.

"I loved your last movie, Inception," I confessed.

"Thanks," he warmly smiled, making me speechless as I bit my lower lip and turned my head.

"Well, I better be going," I stammered, nearly stumbling when I bumped into the edge of a row of chairs. "Oops," I giggled, just hurrying out of there as my skin stayed hot.

"So...," Cydnee trailed off, almost scaring me since she was right in the hall.

"So, he helped me pick up my things and he sort of touched my hand a little."

She squealed as she touched my arms, right in the middle of celebrating when Leo stepped out. I could feel the embarrassment flooding my whole body as he merely gave us a nice smile.

"Ladies," he nodded before walking away from us.

I knew it was wrong, since he was our advisor at the time, but I couldn't help but stare after his butt, wishing we could have met under different circumstances. I had a feeling the college might frown upon this.

A/N: Hey guys, I hope you enjoyed this first chapter. Sorry if it's a bit short. This is an idea I've had for awhile now, so I'm glad to finally be writing for it. Please remember to comment, vote, and follow. Thank you so much! <3 Also, the description for this story is lyrics from Carly Rae Jepsen's song, "Heartbeat." <3

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