Chapter 8: I Think We Just Crossed a Line

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I blinked my eyes a couple of times as I woke up, forgetting where I was for a moment. I sat up with a blanket draped over me on the couch, hearing the sink in the bathroom. I smiled softly at how Leo must have covered me last night. I stood and cautiously walked over, seeing him standing at the sink, a shaver in hand.

"Good morning, Diana," he greeted, having to clear his throat after since it was a bit husky.

"Good morning...," I trailed off, joining my hands together in front of me.

"You can call me Leo when we're not around people," he half smirked, doing a perfect stroke as he kept a hint of a mustache mixed with a beard.

"What time is it," I wondered, running my fingers through my hair in place of a brush.

"Around 5:30 in the morning," he lowly chuckled after glancing at the clock I had forgotten about.

"I guess I can't really leave for awhile. The doors to my dorm don't open until 7. Do you care if I watch you shave?" Hesitation was laced in my voice as he merely smiled.

"No, make yourself comfortable."

I wasn't sure where to stay. At first I thought about the toilet lid, but I didn't want to behind him like that and the edge of the tub would be the same situation. Instead I hoisted myself onto the counter, giving him a weak smile as he stopped everything he was doing. He was just giving me a side look as I felt the embarrassment flooding me.

"I'm sorry. I should probably have sat somewhere else." Before I could move he stopped me with his hand respectfully on my knee. He swallowed hard before shaking his head.

"No, that's fine. Do you need to use the shower or anything? I should be done soon. I've been up since 5."

"No, I'll just wash up back at my dorm. I can't go outside with wet hair when it's cold, or I get sick."

He slowly nodded in understanding as he finished up his face. He touched the side of his cheek before looking over at me. I wasn't sure why his blue eyes were staring so intensely into mine. "So, my eyes get more blue every time you see me?" He was fighting the urge to smirk as the blood rushed to my face.

"How did you know about that?"

"I accidentally read your notebook thinking it was your English report. Your report was really good by the way. You had some excellent points along with key information."

"Thanks... So, I guess you know how I feel about you now."

"Yeah, I guess it's only fair I let you know how I feel about you."

"But you already told me-"

"That was just the general idea. There's so much more I feel, Diana. You're the most bright, beautiful, kind, and alluring girl I've ever met."

"I think Kate Winslet could give me a run for my money," I half joked, holding my breath when he stepped over. He was now right before me, his hands shakily finding mine. He intertwined our fingers as he laughed a tiny bit.

"Kate's just a friend, but you... You are so much more, Diana. I don't want to play games anymore or hide our feelings. I mean, we have to from the public, but... I don't want us to pretend there's nothing going on, when everything's going on."

I felt my heart was going to burst partly from joy and the other nerves as it palpitated. "You know if we take this further, we can no longer call it platonic."

"It was never platonic to begin with. When I saw you that first day, Diana, I knew there was something special about you. It's more than just physical attraction. Fuck, I could talk to you for hours, and we have. I miss you when you're gone."

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