Chapter 9: My Own Form of a Dream

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Normally acting class was my favorite, but it had been torture having to hide my feelings from Leo. We kept wanting to just look at each other and laugh, not to mention the stars we got in our eyes from a fleeting glance. I kept wringing my hands together as Leo taught the current lesson.

"And it's important to have just as much feeling in your voice as your facial expressions. You have to act with all that you have to be a great actor. You have to put yourself in that character's shoes and imagine you are them. I want you to think about that over the weekend," Leo finished, Cydnee giving me a wink on the way out. Once again I blended with the crowd, even almost stepping outside before sneaking back to the classroom.

"Where's my bag," I checked.

"Right here in this closet," Leo answered, lugging out the red duffel bag.

"Thanks for holding it for me."

"No problem. Are you ready for this weekend?"

"Does this answer your question?" I held his face in my hands as our lips met, kissing tenderly until we abruptly separated. I swore I heard footsteps, running straight for the closet to hide.

"Hello, Mr. DiCaprio," questioned a female's voice

"Yes," Leo asked back.

"I just wanted to know if you had updated the grades recently. There was a glitch in our computer system, so I need all of the teachers to put in the information again."

"Oh, no I haven't. I didn't realize we had to do that already. I'll be sure to do that from now on."

"Yes, during normal circumstances it would cut back on a lot of work. We're lucky to have caught it so close to the start of the new semester. Well, have a nice weekend. I've heard the students are very pleased with your teaching methods. We're honored to have you working at our school."

"No problem. I'm glad to be teaching them," he politely reacted, shaking her hand before she left. He released a sigh of relief as I leaned against the costumes on a rack behind me. Soon light flooded the area, since the door had just been open a crack before. "That was a close one. Fuck, I'm sorry about that, Diana." He found my hand as tingles ran up my arm, me stepping onto the stage.

"It's okay. Did she see my duffel bag? It's kind of hard to miss."

"No, I kicked it underneath a row of chairs. I hope there was nothing fragile in it." He went over to retrieve the red item as I shook my head.

"No, just clothes and some beauty products. Are you ready to go?"

"I think so." He breathed through his mouth in the shape of an 'o.' "I just hope no one else is in the building now."

"Yeah, me too. Maybe we should wait a little longer. There still might be students on campus."

"Good idea. We can just talk for awhile."

"I swear if we're going to stay up I need a cup of coffee," I yawned, leaning my head on his shoulder after we had talked for around two hours. "I've been getting up earlier lately, so I get tired faster."

"Is it because of me? I know I have to sneak you out pretty early."

"Yeah, but I don't mind. Plus, I can sleep in at your place tonight. Are you sure you don't want to take your bed tonight?"

"No, you can have it, Diana. I would have given it to you last time if you didn't fall asleep on the couch first."

I smiled faintly before feeling my heart flutter at the request swirling in my brain. "We could sleep together..."

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