Chapter 7: It's Still Platonic

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I couldn't stop myself from smiling when I saw Leo at acting class. He barely looked back though, turning his head as my face fell. After a few minutes he was clearing his throat to start the lesson.

"One of the most useful things to know how to do as an actor is to able to use something that's not there. It's harder than it looks, because you have to imagine the shape and weight of the object, whether it's a bowl or a trumpet. I want to start out with you pretending to eat soup. I'll be around to help, and then we can move on to the next object."

I sat next to Cydnee, holding back a giggle as she held her pinkie out.

"I think I want to pretend to be drinking tea instead," she joked, me putting my hand over my mouth as I nearly laughed again.

"I'm sure we'll get to that eventually. I need to concentrate on my soup."

"I don't know about you, but I'm pretending it's chili soup."

"I think I want mine to be vegetable soup. You know I don't like chili soup." I scrunched my face up a bit as I pretended to have the bowl in my palm. I had a mental image of the item as though it were in front of me.

"Yeah, I know you're not into beans or meat that much. You know, maybe Leo will have us pretend to be drinking coffee," she teased, causing my face to be flushed when Leo strode over.

"You're doing a good job, Cydnee, but you need to make your hand sturdier. Even if a bowl of soup is almost empty you need a more level surface, so it won't fall. And you wouldn't hold a spoon that close to your mouth, the handle would be out to about here," he demonstrated with his own hand near her.

"Okay. I've always been horrible at these types of exercises," she slightly laughed.

"Much better. You're a fast learner," he complimented with a weak smile, which completely fell when he turned towards me. "Diana, you're doing a perfect job like always." He then left, making my stomach twist in a horrible way. Why was he treating me so coldly? After a little longer of eating our pretend food, he did want us to act as though we were drinking coffee. Cydnee kept holding her pinkie out for a joke, until he reached us. "Great job. We can do tea next if you like," he lowly chuckled.

"I was just goofing off, sorry," she apologized, him shaking his head with an amused smile. He then faced me, seeming to be taking a deep breath as his blue eyes warily met with mine.

"You just need to widen your hand a little. I can tell you chose the coffee cup instead of the mug."

"I hope that's okay. I know everyone is doing the mug, but I prefer this kind."

"It's fine. We'll be doing tea next, which will be in a similar container to a mug."

I barely nodded as I bit my lower lip sadly. "Yeah."

After class I didn't have to be told twice to linger behind, Cydnee giving me a reassuring smile before leaving with everyone else.

"Leo," I hesitantly asked, tilting my head as he gathered his papers per usual.

"It's Mr. DiCaprio," he plainly answered, still looking down at his thin suitcase.

"I'm sorry if you're mad at me about yesterday. I didn't mean to walk in on you in the-" My next word came out muffled since he had clamped his hand over my mouth, my back to him.

"It's not that, Diana. The head of the college got a report that we seemed to be too cozy together. They didn't know about last night, it was all from class. I have to treat you like everyone else from now on, or I could lose my job. I know it's only a few more months, but I've really enjoyed working here. I've really enjoyed getting to know you..." His voice dropped to a murmur on the end before he finally released me.

"I don't want you to treat me like everyone else though. I mean, we're good friends, right?" I was scared to imply more even with how obvious his feelings were.

His distraught blue eyes met with mine as he sighed softly. "Diana, I think last night just proved we're not just student and teacher, or just good friends. I know it was all innocent, but my thoughts were anything but that."

"Oh." I was stunned as I just stood there, trying to process the fact my celebrity crush liked me back.

"I'm sorry I let it go as far as it did. I shouldn't have treated you different from the start. I'm here to teach, not to..." His words trailed off when I touched his chest, since he was starting to leave. He gave me a sad smile as he sighed through his nose.

"Can we at least talk her for awhile? We don't have to go back to your place. It's just... I'm going to miss talking to you. So if we can't talk anymore, can we at least have one more night?"

"Okay," he caved with a single nod.

We both got comfy on the stage, him leaning on his arm while on his side, while I sat up with my knees to my chest.

"And Romper Room was my first shot at show business I guess you could say. I got so excited though I was running around, hitting the cameras, and I got kicked off the show," he lowly chuckled.

"I heard about that. I bet you would have been great if they hadn't kicked you off."

"Thanks." His azure eyes lit up as I melted from how they shined. "You should tell me some more about you. I have a feeling you know about everything about me." He quietly chuckled again, me resting my chin on my knees.

"Well, I'm an only child, and I've always loved creative things. I started with singing and writing, but then I decided I liked acting better."

"Really? Could you sing something for me?" He bit his lower lip with the sweetest expression as I blushed bright red.

I took a deep breath as I fidgeted with my fingers, singing the Disney song, Colors of the Wind from Pocahontas. When I was finished I swear Leo's eyes were shimmering up at me like the waves in the ocean.

"I love how you sang about the environment like that. I knew that movie touched on important topics such as our planet, but you really brought it to life."

"Thanks," I quietly replied, checking the lone clock in there. "I think we broke curfew again. It's been hours."

"Shit," he muttered, sitting up as he winced from being in the same spot for that long.

"I guess I'm stuck here for the night. You can go home. I mean, I bet they don't have curfews for teachers."

"They don't, but I'm not leaving you, Diana. We really fucked up this whole platonic thing, huh?"

"It's still platonic until physical things are involved."

He licked his lips as he peered down at my own. "Yeah, I guess you're right."

"So, are you going to stay over here with me?"

"I think one more night at my place wouldn't hurt." Soon we were sneaking into his building, both relieved when we made it to his room without a hitch. "Do you want some coffee," he offered.

"No, I don't want to have trouble sleeping."

"Did you ever get your English report back?"

"I'm turning it in tomorrow, but it's in my bag over there. You can read it if you want." I nodded to it as I curled up on the couch, my cheek pressed against the rough pillow. I yawned before finding myself entering dreamland, feeing completely content with Leo around.


I carefully rummaged around her bag, not having much luck until I found her notebook. I flipped it to one of the pages, my heart temporarily stopping when I saw my name. She was talking about how blue my eyes were, only nice things lining the pages. My heart fluttered when I shut it and looked at her peaceful figure. I don't think I could stay away even if I tried, and knowing how strongly she felt now made it impossible.

A/N: Hey guys, I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Please remember to comment, vote, and follow. Thank you so much! <3

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