Chapter 14: Notebook

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I was a mess as Leo and I both kept our gazes on the headmistress, me jealous of his perfect poker face.

She spoke first as she intertwined her fingers in front of her on top of her desk.  "We have gotten reports that you and Mr. DiCaprio are quite... involved. Do you deny these accusations?" Her brown eyes pierced into our souls as Leo went first.

"Yes, they're not true." He cleared his throat a bit as I looked over at him, trying to hide my shock. He gave me a side glance as to tell me to go with his story.

"Diana?" The female's voice caught my attention as I whipped my head in her direction. "What's your input?"

"Le-Mr. DiCaprio is right. We're not involved." She gave me a look since I had almost used his real name, me biting my tongue as she pulled out a drawer before bringing out photos.

"Then how do you explain these? We had gotten multiple complaints, but only one young student gave us the evidence to go along with it."

I reluctantly peered down at the enlarged images, finding Leo and I smiling as he walked me to his place, one where he was shielding me from view, and even one of him kissing me as I lied back on the stage. I felt sick to my stomach as I put my hand near my mouth, shaking my head as tears coated my eyes.

"Those are photoshopped. We're not involved. We never were. This is crazy," I stated, but my emotions were seeping through.

"Miss Mitchell, I can reassure you that you have nothing to worry about. What did you think was going to happen? If you come clean, then you will not be punished, so I'll ask you again." Her voice grew far more serious, almost annoyed as she calmly demanded, "Are you and Mr. DiCaprio involved?"

I mouthed, 'I'm sorry,' to Leo before nodding to the headmistress. "Yes, we are."

"Is it consenting? He hasn't taken advantage of you, has he?"

"Of course not. We love each other." I went to take Leo's hand but he moved it before I could, his expression remaining unreadable.

"I see. Well, you will be pleased to know your grades will not be affected by this. Even after Mr. DiCaprio got the job, they were as consistent as the last semester. You've always been an A student in that class. As for you, Mr. DiCaprio, even though you have not openly admitted to these claims, the evidence is too great to deny it. The semester is almost over, and the students don't have much more to learn, so I will be relieving you from your duties. You may pack your bags in the next 24 hours and leave the campus."

"Wait, why is he getting fired," I questioned.

"Miss Mitchell, you are the student, but he is the teacher, and he should have kept his professionalism from day one. It is against our policy to have student/teacher relationships, no matter how legal it may be age wise. Besides, we can't afford bad press, and Mr. DiCaprio leaving will ensure you two don't give us any. I'll leave the room and you may say your goodbyes, but no naughty business." She gave us a serious look before closing the door behind her.

"I'm so sorry, Leo, I just couldn't keep myself composed like you. I'm going to miss you so much." He flinched when I touched his hand, standing to distance himself. "Are you mad at me," I hesitantly asked as he looked at the closed curtains, his hands joined behind his back.

"I never should have done this," he murmured.

"What?" I slowly walked towards him before he suddenly whipped around.

"I never should have let my emotions get in the way of my teaching."

"But I thought you loved me?"

"I do love you, Diana, but do you really think they'll be able to hide this scandal from the press? They're eventually going to find out what we did."

Notebook || Leonardo DiCaprioWhere stories live. Discover now