Chapter 5: You Can Be the Winner

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"I miss him," I confessed on our day off from acting class.

"You two have been spending quite a bit of time together. I mean, a lot more than any of us. Actually, I think you're the only student he's been seeing outside of class," Cydnee remarked. We were sitting in our dorm on our beds as the rain came down the window pane in sheets.

"Yeah... it's such a dreary day," I sighed, only half listening.

"I know. I was going to suggest we go somewhere, but we would be soaked in seconds."

"I think I'm going to go down to the lobby, maybe do some reading for my English report. I feel like I need a change of scenery."

"Okay. I'll just be here, doing my nails."

I found myself in the main lounge area, not a single piece of furniture occupied. Even the lady that usually watched the front desk was missing. I crossed my ankles as I took out my library book, biting my lower lip as I stared at my violet notebook. I decided to open it instead, finding a free page as I wrote words instead of doodling.

I thought everything about him was perfect, and I was ready to be proved wrong, but that hasn't happened yet. Leonardo DiCaprio is just as kind and thoughtful as I imagined. He remembered my favorite actress was Patty Duke and how cherry filled donuts are my favorite. We locked eyes yesterday while watching his own movie, "Titanic." I swear the tension could be cut with a knife as we stared. It was right after the drawing scene too, which was kind of odd. But at the same time mesmerizing and just as romantic as the film. I swear his blue eyes get bluer every time I see him.

"Hi, Diana."

I jumped horribly as I also dropped my pen, almost having a heart attack.

"Hi, Leo. I mean, Mr. DiCaprio," I rapidly corrected, my cheeks burning hot. "What brings you here?"

"I was just coming back from getting coffee and I got caught in the downpour," he lowly chuckled. "This was the closest building. Do you want my extra mocha? I know you don't like coffee, but-"

"You had an extra mocha," I asked with a hint of surprise, grasping the warm container.

"I... Sometimes I drink two," he answered, chewing his lower lip before brushing his hair back. It was starting to fall out of place, since the rain washed some of the gel away.

"Thanks. I guess I can give it a try. I've only ever had black coffee."

"Yeah, I prefer the added sweetness to mine." He licked his lips in a pattern as I took a small sip, wincing before putting on my best smile. "Is it that bad?" He quietly chuckled as I shook my head.

"No, it's just it's still kind of hot, and I burn my mouth easily. It's really good though."

"Sorry about that."

"It's okay. You didn't know, and I think I'm like the only person that sensitive."

"Is that your English report?" He nodded to the items in my lap, me slapping my notebook shut before he could read his name.

"Oh, um, it was supposed to be, but I got kind of sidetracked... It was before I knew you were here! I mean..." I lowered my head as I felt the embarrassment flooding my body.

"What did you write about in it?"


"It looked like you had a good paragraph going there, until you slammed it shut," he softly chuckled, touching his hair before just allowing it to fall over his forehead. I couldn't help but stare at how cute that made him, my heart skipping a beat.

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