Chapter 6: Pretty Fast

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Leo decided to have us choose the profession we wanted to pretend to be during our next class. The goal was to do something we had never done, but act like we knew what we were doing. Cydnee went with construction worker, and I was impressed by how she made it look as though she were swinging a hammer. I decided to go with a pilot, mainly on purpose to capture Leo's attention. I knew he had a background in faking this career choice too. I kept glancing at him from my side vision as he walked through the evenly spaced out students. I bit my lower lip when he reached me, giving him a small smile.

"You're doing good. But you need to act like you're gripping the steering wheel more. Like this," he explained, literally putting his hands over the back of mine to demonstrate. My face turned pink as he navigated me through the process of keeping the plane above ground. "Yeah, just like that..." His lowered voice in a whisper made chills go through my whole body. My skin felt cold when he stopped touching my hands, wishing he didn't have to leave to help the others. After class everyone left right away, but I felt frozen since Cydnee suggested I purposely stay longer. Part of me was aching to take her advice, and the other was nervous about pushing things.

"Do you need something, Diana," Leo politely wondered as he gathered his papers.

"I just... thought it would be nice if we could talk for awhile."

"About what?" His piercing blue eyes found mine as my heart rate picked up.

"Um, do you want to go get coffee or something?"

"Sure," he agreed, but the place was closed when we reached it. It was already becoming a bit dark as the wind picked up, rain lightly falling on our clothes. "Would you like coffee at my place?" He sounded hesitant, his words coming out slow and uncertain.

"Okay. You won't get in trouble, will you? I mean, isn't it against the rules for students to be at the professors' rooms?"

"Maybe, but I can sneak you in. Come on." His voice was once again softer and more husky. We were able to somehow avoid anyone seeing me, Leo's tall frame hiding me from view when we had to pause for a passerby. I finally released the air I had been holding in when we stepped over his threshold. I couldn't believe how nice his small apartment was. It was far better than the normal dormitories. He had a living room, bedroom, decent sized bathroom with a counter, and even a small kitchen area.

"Would you like to watch something? I have a bunch of movies on those shelves over there." He nodded to a spot in the main room, me going to check out the titles. I accidentally yawned but stifled it as I scanned my options.

"Would The Basketball Diaries be okay? I don't want to watch something long, and I don't recognize a lot of these movies."

"Yeah, that's fine," he answered, returning with a couple of mochas. He went ahead and popped the film into the Blu-ray player as I sat on the couch.

"Sorry, I wasn't sure which remote controlled what," I admitted.

"That's okay. I probably have too many anyway." He quietly chuckled before joining me, us both sipping our coffees as the motion picture started. I crossed my arms as I hugged myself, getting immersed in this different world. "Are you cold? I can turn up the heat."

I looked over at Leo before shaking my head. "No, I'm just kind of tired. I forced myself to finish my English report this morning, and then I had your class, which was great by the way." I blushed as I took another sip of my drink to distract myself.

"Thanks. Do you have a favorite scene in this movie?"

"Hm... Probably when Jim jumps off the cliff into the water."

"You mean, when I show my butt?" He lowly chuckled as I felt the heat rising to my face.

"I didn't mean... I just liked the scene. I wasn't thinking about you mooning the passing boat."

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