Chapter 4: Very Professional

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I ended up zonking out that night after doing at least a page for my English report, getting up early for once in my life.

"Hey, I think I'm going to go down to the coffee shop on campus. Do you want anything," I asked Cydnee after I was ready for the day.

"No, I'm okay," she waved off, immersed in her math assignment. She even had her glasses on with wide, dark brown frames to concentrate.

I nodded before grabbing my purse and walking out the door. It was strange to be in the early sunlight, me finding the shop easily. They also served donuts, which was the only reason I had went there. I wasn't found of coffee, preferring tea.

"I'd like a glazed vanilla donut with cherry filling, please," I requested, the guy at the register figuring up my total. I handed him the five dollar bill before he counted my change. I happily took the fresh food in a small, white paper bag, nearly running into the person behind me. "Oops, sorry." I was embarrassed enough, but when I lifted my gaze to those ocean eyes, my face instantly turned red. "Hi, Mr. DiCaprio." Shyness had overtaken me as he smiled nicely.

"Hi, Diana. Are you getting a quick breakfast?"

"I guess you could call it that. What brings you here?"

"I needed some coffee to start my day. I still have to go over my ideas for upcoming classes."

I barely nodded before stepping out of the way when I realized we were holding up the line. I lingered by the entrance before deciding to take one of the empty, round wooden tables by the window.

"Mind if I join you? It's pretty crowded in here," Leo lightly chuckled.

"No, go ahead." I nibbled on my sweet food as he sipped his coffee. He licked his lower lip when some of the hot liquid stuck to it.

"So, is that your favorite kind of donut," he guessed.

"Yeah, they usually run out fast, and I never get up this early. What kind of coffee did you get?"

"It's a mocha, but I got it in a to go container. I didn't expect to drink it here."

"What made you change your mind," I boldly questioned, my heart rate picking up.

"I just... didn't want to deal with the morning rush," he claimed, which still didn't answer anything.

"So, what's our class going to be today?"

"I want everyone to pretend to do a profession they know nothing about. I remember when my mentor helped me with The Aviator. I kept being hesitant and saying how I didn't know how to fly a plane, and then he just yelled to me, 'You get in that damn plane, and you fly it like you're Howard Hughes.' And I was like, 'Ahhh... Okay."

I stifled a giggle at how he made his face look panicked, holding his arms out like he was twisting the steering wheel. "I don't know how to fly a plane either," I admitted.

"Fuck, I don't think anyone at this college does, unless that's one of their majors. Do you want that to be what I assign you today?" He looked at me over his container as he took a longer drink.

"Just assign me whatever you were going to originally. I probably won't know how to do any of them."

"You want boxing then? Or do you know how to do that one," he teased.

I gave him a look before answering. "I think I'd rather fly the plane."

"Hey, you could be a boxer for all I know. I've been surprised by people before."

"Yeah, with my little muscles I would fall flat on my face with the first punch."

He bit back a smile before busying himself with his coffee, me remembering my half eaten donut. "What other things do you enjoy doing? You know besides what you came to college for?" He leaned his arms on the table as he squinted his eyes in concentration.

"I enjoy doodling in a notebook. I guess that's not very special, huh? I mean, it's just like little hearts and stars and sometimes things like bunnies."

"Do you every keep a journal?"

"Kind of if I'm in the mood. I'm really lazy about writing about every day. I swear the only thing I'm not lazy about is acting. I've worked so hard to even get into the program here."

"Yeah, I could only do well in things I was interested in. I was mediocre in my subjects at school except for biology."

"Well, look how passionate you are about the environment. It makes sense."

"I know," he chuckled with an amused look on his face.

"You know, I used to not believe in that global warming stuff, but you helped to open my eyes about it."

"I'm glad I could reach at least one person. I'm not sure if people really want to hear a celebrity talking about serious issues like that. They probably assume I'm just doing it for publicity, but I got into it for myself. It just stuck with me ever since I was a kid, and I wanted to do something else besides acting."

"That's really nice," I warmly smiled, glancing at the gold, round clock on the wall. "Do you have somewhere you need to be? We've been talking awhile." It was true, the area now empty, since we were the only remaining customers from the earlier rush.

"Yeah, I should probably walk down to the Arts building. Do you have somewhere you need to be?"

"Not for another hour. I have English today, but I have a good start on my report."

"That's good. What's it about if you don't mind me asking?" Somehow we had exited the building together, our eyes glued to one another.

"It's the life of Edgar Allen Poe and the meaning behind his works. It's going to be a long essay," I sighed, puffing out my cheeks for a moment.

"I'd like to read it when you're done. It sounds interesting."

"Thanks. I wanted to do William Shakespeare, but he was already taken."

"Is there a certain reason for that," he lowly chuckled.

"Not everything revolves around you," I teased, bumping his arm with mine before stopping myself. I cleared my throat a bit as I stared at my feet. "Well, I guess I'll see you this afternoon. Bye." I held up my hand for a simple wave before beginning to hurry off.

"Bye, Diana," he called after me, my heart still skipping a beat when my name left his lips.

When the acting class started, thunder rumbled in the distance as Leo stood at the front of the room.

"I thought for today we could just watch a movie. I wanted you to do a different exercise originally, but I think that can wait until tomorrow. I thought you could watch Titanic, while I point out different acting techniques. Everyone on that film worked so hard, and part of the reason it was such a success was the group effort. I also brought donuts with water and almond milk if you're hungry." Everyone lit up at the mention of food, rushing over to the white box to pick one. I was confused when Leo gestured for me to go where he was.

"I know you just had one of these this morning, but I thought you might want another, since they're your favorite," he whispered, holding up a cherry filled donut with a napkin.

"Thanks," I whispered back. "I'm excited to try the almond milk too. I've only had regular before."

"Yeah, it's pretty good. I-" He ceased talking when he saw almost everyone were back in their chairs. "You better get your milk now."

"Okay," I blushed. I couldn't stop myself from glancing at Leo during the film in the darkened theater, the movie on a large canvas on the stage. I absorbed every piece of advice he shared, but I also was more entranced by him than Jack Dawson. I mean, he was gorgeous back then, but I still found him highly attractive now, and he was breathing the same air as me. When it came to the part following when Rose poses nude for a drawing, that's when my eyes accidentally locked with Leo's. He licked his bottom lip as we just stared at each other. The older lady's words echoing back to us.

"You mean, did we 'do it?' Sorry to disappoint you Mr. Bodine, but Jack was very professional."

A/N: Hey guys I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Things are already starting to get a little intense between Diana and Leo. Lol. Please remember to comment, vote, and follow. Thank you so much! <3

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