Chapter 10: Bonding Moment

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I had the widest grin on my face when I woke up with my head on Leo's chest. We were under the covers on his bed, ending up there once the movie ended. He actually carried me, since I had already fallen asleep, but that made me wake up for a short while.

"Good morning, Leo," I breathed, touching his bare chest as he smiled himself.

"Good morning, Diana." His voice was low and husky as he touched my wrist to keep my hand on him. "You want to shower first?"

"Only if it's okay with you. I take awhile."

"That's okay. I can start on breakfast and picking out my clothes for the day." He stretched his arms out as he breathed deeply, me scooting off the mattress in my pale pink, silk pajamas. I couldn't stop smiling as I washed up in the shower, getting dressed and blow drying my hair directly after. I found Leo in the kitchen area, holding up a tray of freshly baked muffins.

"Do you like banana or blueberry," he asked.

"Hm... That's so hard. I want to try both."

"Then go ahead. I have plenty," he lowly chuckled, me carefully grabbing two of each.

"Wow, these are really good." I was currently chewing the banana one.

"Thanks. I made it from a box." He was jokingly bragging as he held up the cardboard container.

I giggled as I accidentally dropped a few crumbs on the floor. "Sorry about that."

"It's okay. I'm getting crumbs everywhere all the time. You know, I would have made the muffins from scratch, but a good dish takes awhile to make, wouldn't you agree?"

"Yeah, I would agree." My lips curved upwards as I consumed more of my snack, humming in contentment.

"I know there's not much to do around here. I got a puzzle if you want to try that." He held it up as I eagerly nodded.

"That actually sounds like fun. It's such a pretty nature scene."

"Thanks, it's like 1,000 fucking pieces though." A soft chuckle escaped his lips as he placed the box on the coffee table in the living room.

"That's okay. You know, it helps to start with the edge pieces first. We can look for them first." I started digging around the plastic bag inside the cardboard box, finding at least 5 edge pieces easily.

"That's a lot of green." I would never get tired of the way Leo chuckled quietly.

"Yeah, it looks like it's going to be pretty hard. It'll probably take days to do."

"Then that's your excuse for coming back." He discreetly smirked as he kissed my temple, causing me to blush.

"That's not my real excuse for coming back." I flipped my hair over my shoulder, giggling when he left feathery kisses on my neck. "So, have you found any of the river pieces yet?"

"Hm?" His head moved to focus back on our task, blinking a couple of times. "No, just the tree ones."

I was surprised when we kept this up for at least two hours, barely talking with how much we were concentrating.

"I swear, we need to go somewhere. I love being alone here with you, but I want to be in town with you too," he admitted.

"It's a little risky though. There's a lot we can do here. Like this..." I started sucking below his ear before licking, causing him to squeeze his eyes shut.

"Oh Diana... You're going to get me too worked up if you keep doing this..."

"That's kind of the idea. I mean, not to go all the way, but to have some fun."

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