Chapter 13: May I See You, Please

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I was practically floating when I entered my dorm on Monday morning, continuously biting my lip as I kept smiling. Cydnee was still fast asleep, but my heart was pounding, my cheeks flushed. I kept fanning myself with my hand as I sat on my bed, just gazing out the window from across the room. I ran my fingers through my hair repeatedly, deciding to take a shower to pass the time. I hated washing Leo's recent scent off of me, but the hot water was soothing. I just spent the whole time daydreaming about newly made memories, almost not paying attention to what I was doing as I naturally went through the motions of cleansing myself. After I got dressed in something comfortable, I just plopped on my stomach on my mattress, zonking out with the biggest smile on my face.

"Diana? Diana? Diana?" At first my name came out as a muted blur, but then my eyes fluttered open to see Cydnee standing next to my bed.

"Hi," I breathed, stretching my arms as I lied on my side, my cheek smushed against my pillow.

"You've never overslept before. Your English class starts in about an hour."

"I don't care," I dreamily sighed.

"What do you mean you don't care? We graduate in only a few weeks."

"Leo and I did it."

"Okay, not the topic we were on, but you did?" She smiled a little as she sat beside me as I finally hoisted myself up to sit with her.

"Yeah, all weekend, and this morning before I left...," I sheepishly admitted.

"No wonder you're tired. How did this happen?"

"He said he loved me, so I admitted I loved him too, and eventually it just happened. He's wonderful, Cydnee. He's so caring and gentle, yet rough and wild when you want him to be."

"I'm really happy for you, Diana, but you still need to get ready for your English class. You can tell me all about Leo later."

"Okay. I doubt I'll hear anything during class, but I'll go." I grabbed a cute outfit to throw on of light colored jeans and a baby blue button up top that tied together in the front. Somehow I managed to get through my class, feeling jittery when acting was next. When I entered the familiar room, Leo discreetly looked me up and down before abruptly turning his head, pretending to be coughing. I watched as he put his balled up fist in front of his mouth, my long hair in a side fishtail braid resting on my shoulder as I took my seat.

"Now, when you're acting it's breast, best! To, um..." Leo had been tripping over his words the whole lesson, his professionalism crumbling. He was fighting every impulse to even glance at me, but eventually he composed himself. I admired how much of a professional he was in everything he did. I swore his hands were shaking as he dismissed everyone when the time was up, Cydnee giving me a smirk as she left the room.

"Can I have a rain check on tonight? Can I stay at the dorm tomorrow night and the next," I whispered to her.

"Okay," she easily caved. "I know you won't be able to focus on anything else if you stick around tonight."

"Thanks," I beamed, Leo and I attacking each other once the coast was clear. I was getting a million different de ja vu's as he pushed me into the costume closet, surprised when he wasn't stopping this time. "Shouldn't we do this at your apartment," I wondered, us keeping our tops on so we could quickly clean up if needed.

"I can't wait. I love you so much, Diana. I thought about you all day. I just wanted to do this and then cuddle and talk and do another puzzle, and drink mochas and eat donuts, and..." He groaned as we finished up our intimate session, zipping up our pants as we fixed our wrinkled shirts.

"If I didn't know any better, I'd say you just wanted to do this all day," I half smirked.

"Well, it is my favorite part, but I enjoy all the other things too." He pecked my lips before we stepped out, sneaking across campus. I'm not sure how we did though with how caught up we were in our own little world.

"I can't believe we'll be in Australia in only a few weeks," I commented as I hung my hair over his couch as I leaned my head back, my legs on the back cushions.

"Me either. I'm so proud of you, Diana for how well you've done in college. I happened to see your grades in other classes, and I can tell you've worked hard."

"Yeah, I have. It's easier though when you're pursuing your dreams."

"Am I one of your dreams," he huskily asked, causing me to grin when he kissed me upside down.

I giggled as my brown eyes twinkled up into his blue, crossing my ankles. "Of course you are." I squealed when he suddenly flipped me up, bringing me to straddle his waist.

"Hold on tight," he instructed, my legs locking around his middle as my arms looped around his neck. He brought me into his bedroom where we made love as long as we could keep it up. Eventually we were just too exhausted to continue, and I hoped that no one heard us. The bed had been creaking like crazy and sometimes we got a bit loud.

The following day I was still in my haze, practically spinning around the walkway as I made my way to the dormitories. I felt like my face was permanently flushed that whole week, expecting the next to be the same. I even got to acting class early on that Monday, but my face gradually fell when I saw an older man I didn't recognize. I found out he was our substitute, but Leo hadn't been sick earlier. What made it worse was the headmistress came for me halfway through.

"Diana Mitchell, may I see you, please," she questioned.

I barely nodded as Cydnee stared after me, messing with my fingers as I tried to keep my cool. The headmistress kindly opened the doors for us before leading me to the building her office was in. I watched her brown, curly hair bounce behind her as a thousand different scenarios ran through my mind. I figured I was just over worrying, but then she pushed open her door, and Leo turned around in one of the two chairs facing her desk.

"It's important I have a word with both of you," she sternly said, Leo's expression blank as he somehow hid his feelings.

A/N: Hey guys, so this chapter ended on a cliffhanger. Please remember to comment, vote, and follow. Thank you so much! <3

Notebook || Leonardo DiCaprioOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz