French Angelfish

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They got to the audition site early. Everyone was already there doing their jobs, getting everything started. They were called in and the director greeted them.

"Hi, Timothée. Hi, Y/n. You were wonderful yesterday! To be honest I am just doing this because it's protocol, because I know I want you two doing this. That being said, shall we start?" The director said.
They looked at each other, surprised, and started doing the scene. There were two chairs to give them a more closer feeling to being in a car. They were wonderful and Timothée couldn't stop crying for awhile. Y/n started crying seeing him in so much pain and couldn't help but hug him. The director thought it was a normal reaction for two actors in a sensitive state of mind after the scene they just performed, so their plan on not being known that they were a couple wasn't jeopardized.

"You guys have such chemistry on screen that looks like I am watching two people really madly in love with each other. You mesmerized me from the begging until the end. And Y/n you look even more beautiful on camera! Impressive! I shouldn't tell you directly, but I don't care. Congrats, kids, you got the parts! I look forward to working with you, I feel this movie will be simply beautiful! I would suggest you get to know each other better before... I think it will be good for you. Take care, kids!" The director said and left the room. They wanted to jump to one another and celebrate but they couldn't. They left the building and met at Brooks & Co. Y/n told the news to Adrien and he screamed so loudly that the entire coffeeshop jumped together because of the scare. He apologized and kept talking to Y/n.

"Girl! I told you you were gonna get it! You are a rising star! They couldn't let that be unseen. Go celebrate! I'll cover for you! Go!" He looked at Timothée. "Go have some celebration sex." He whispered winking.
"Adrien!" Y/n said pushing him, laughing. Timothée heard and giggled.

"Let's go somewhere nice." Timothée said, grabbing her hand. She let it go.
"We need to be careful, Timo. We don't know if someone will recognize you." Y/n said. Timothée nodded frowning. "Hey... Don't be sad, stranger... One day it will be okay to just be a normal couple, okay?" She said with sweet eyes.
"One day? Does that mean you want this to last time enough to be a "one day"?" He asked in a provoking tone.
"If you deserve it, maybe!" She said smirking.

They got to a pier and sat looking at the Houston river. Some fish would jump from time to time and there was a nice breeze.

"I used to come here every time I needed to check on reality. When everything was feeling too overwhelming, I'd come here and the fishes jumping would remind me that we are here just for so long. We should enjoy it more. And suddenly I would feel just like a small grain of sand in the middle of the desert and everything would feel calm." Timothée said.
"I had a place like this in Y/c/n. It was also by the river. Every time I would feel alone, or sad, or overwhelmed I would go there to see the boats and the cruises. I would imagine where they were headed and the lives of each person in there. The woman married to a horrible husband, the artist trying to find inspiration for their next work of art, the rebel running away from everything wanting to start a new life somewhere far away, the lovers madly in love wanting to love each other more than it is humanly possible. I would stay there for hours. People would come and go. Would take their tourist or Instagram pictures, and I would stay. A lonely girl looking at the river. Peace amidst the chaotic life of a city." Y/n said staring at the river. "We are really just a grain of sand." Timothée couldn't stop staring at her and as she said the final words she looked at him. "What?"
"I what?"
"Just you." Timothée looked at the river. "I feel the luckiest man alive. You could have anyone you want, you know?"
"And I do." Y/n said smiling.
"Fuck." Timothée said loudly.
"Here? Now?" Y/n said jokingly.
"You can bet if I could. I want to kiss you so badly right now. You have no ideia." Timothée said not taking his eyes off the river. Y/n looked around to make sure no one was around. She couldn't see a soul. She pushed both their masks down and kissed him passionately. He grabbed her face and kissed her hard. He wanted to get inside her and stay there for a while. His heart longed for her and he didn't know he could feel these things.
"I fucking love you, Y/n." He whispered in her lips.
"I fucking love you, Timothée." She replied. "So. Fucking. Much."
"Would you marry me?" Timothée asked.
"Like, now?" Y/n asked confused.
"Like, ever."
"Always. I would always marry you. I would marry you every day. Every goddamn day, stranger." Timothée smiled hearing her say that.
"I will make us husband and wife." He said turning his head again to the river. "Like two French angelfishes."

Bagel's and coffee // Timothee x readerWhere stories live. Discover now