Chapter 4.1: Ball Trouble

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….And aw, hell. Balls started shooting from dozen different directions…..

I tilted my head to the left, missing a loose ball heading straight my face. Another came and I tilted to the other direction.

“Wasn’t that supposed to be an illegal shot?”

“What do you expect, this is high school and you’re the new kid.” 

Four more balls headed to my direction. I instinctively dropped on my knees and dodged leftward. I watched as my attackers picked up another set of balls within reach and looked at me like a wolves eyeing an innocent bunny for a kill. That was all my warning before they threw volley of balls in unison. I leap leftward, scoping a rolling ball on my way.

“Okay that’s it. Two can play this game.” I said, flinging my ball into the air. I cracked a smile as the ball hit the one of them, outing him from the game. “Hey, race you on the kill count.”

“Game on!!!” Adam shouted, excitedly catching a ball thrown at him. He hurled it back to its thrower and it hit him full straight. I picked up another rolling on the floor and sent it flying across the room.

The game finally kicked in to my system and I was playing side by side with Randall and Adam who were sporting competitive grin and laughing each time they tumbled trying not to get hit. It was like when we were playing tag inside this giant castle playground made of cushion. We chased and tumbled and just plain enjoyed there. And we had this same shit-eating, mischievous, mirthful smile.

Then suddenly, I was falling backwards and someone pushed me aside. I snapped out of the memory recall and saw several balls bounced off Adam’s shoulder and back. Adam steadied me and I became aware of the throbbing on my forehead. I also became aware of the warm body holding me close and protectively wrapped around his arms. I also became hyperactively aware or the bulge hidden beneath two soft layers of clothes leaning on my thighs or the how well built Adam’s body was. His firm arms, sculpted shoulders, or the pink plum lips close enough too ki….

“Are you okay?” Adam asked, concern knitting his brown eyebrow. I blinked several times to clear my head off what I was going to do and focused on his question. Randall appeared on my left side, mirroring Adam’s concern.

“Y-Yeah.” My voice came out stammering. The sudden closeness made me flustered and painfully aware of his body pressed on mine.

“Will you two get a room?!” Someone shouted. Adam stiffened. He pulled out and glared at the speaker. I realized he was the one who caught me gawking back at the locker room and the same guy who helped me find my room.

“That was foul, Vitreon.” Adam stated professionally.

“The ball slipped and your boyfriend was far too slug-head to react and dodge.”

“Keeping the ball is your entire life. You can’t slip. You did it on purpose.”

 “And what are you going to do about?” Viteron jeered, baiting Adam.

A scowl took form on Adam’s face, clenching his fist and his jawline set hard. Randall had also tensed up and moved himself beside Adam, putting up a defensive wall in front of me. This Vitreon guy wanted to work up Adam for whatever reason I was sure to find out soon. Whatever it was, I could only see trouble up ahead. 

I put hand on Adam’s shoulders, sensing the tension in his muscles. I gave it a soothing squeeze. Adam didn’t look at me but his shoulders relaxed, if only a bit and he titled his head to my direction.

“I’m okay, no need to get rough.” I immediately said.

“He hit you in the he-”

“Which could happens in any other game.” I cut in.

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