Chapter 9: Petrichor

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...this crushing thing was harder than I thought.....

Adam was more than murderous when I told him I was researching with Sander at his house. He wanted to strangle my teachers for giving such assignments.

“Sander was the one who asked me to be his partner.” I told Adam when he wanted to storm the faculty room and confront my teacher about how idiotic she was.

“And you agreed?!” Adam asked, incredulously.

I bit my lips and gave him my most innocent smile. “Yeah.”

Adam looked he wanted to struggle me. “Are you FUCKING INSANE?” Adam bellowed. I cringed at the loudness of his voice, shying smaller if that was possible. “I can’t believe you!”

“Are you upset?” I asked softly.

“Upset?! I’m fucking FURSIOUS!!! You’ve met the guy. He showed you how psychopathic he was at the very first day. He constantly provokes me. And now you’re going on a study date with him? With that! With that rascal!”

Adam scratched his head in frustration and turned away from me.

“Adam.” I called softly. He didn’t move. So I reached out and touched his shaking arm. When he didn’t pull away, I brushed it lightly and he relaxed. I circled to his front without breaking my touch. Adam was looking up away from me and his lips were set in a grim line. “Adam, please.”

Adam took a deep, ragged breath and asked, “Why do you have to date him?”

I chuckled halfheartedly. Adam’s glare intensified but his eyes had this open and vulnerable glint. I bowed my head in silent apology.

“It’s not a date. We’re just studying.” I confessed, honestly. “Give the guy a chance. He’s not so bad once you made it past the killer glares and murderous threats.”

“What if it’s a trap? What if he just wants to get you alone and… hurt you? A gang of goons might ambush you. I won’t be there. You’re on your own.”

His expression thawed to concerned and worried. I must have done sometime good in my past life to deserve this kind of loyalty and faithfulness.

“Trust me on this one, Adam.” I told him confidently. If it comes to worse, I knew I could take care of myself. “Do you trust me?”

“You really have to pull that card now?” Adam asked. Adam sighed in resignation. He reluctantly nodded and ruffled my hair. “I trust you. And besides, I should know better than to antagonize the Alpha.”

I smiled and pulled him with me to sit on the top of the stairs.


I made a questioning sound behind my throat.

“Do you like him? Sander?” He asked. I blinked once and faced him. Adam was looking directly at me, his eyes so open that I could almost see his soul. He looked so vulnerable.

“Yes.” I said flatly, trying to sound as neutral as possible given the circumstances of the question.

“Ohh” Adam sounded dejected. He looked away and stared intently between his shoes. He looked like his about to cry.

Then, I remember how his parents put their animosity against each other and their business before their own child. How he had worked so hard to get their attention only to be compared lowly to his older brother.

How he hated being alone.

I hated myself for making him feel like that. It pained me to see him lost and unsure like this.

I wrapped my arm around his shoulder. Adam glanced at me with sad eyes.

“Yes, I like him.” Adam tensed and his eyes glinted with pain and betrayal. Nice way to start. Oh to hell with this. “But not as much as I like you.” I told him earnestly, feeling my face heat. I just admitted I like him. Even if it was just in a friendly sort of way, I couldn’t stop my heat from beating wildly. 


Did he really have to make confirm it again?, I rhetorically asked myself.

“Yes, you emotional bastard. Now lay off the drama scene. It doesn’t suit you.”

Adam grinned and tackled me into an embrace.

“You really are the best, Jayjay!” Adam said, imitating his third grader voice and giggling. He nuzzled his head at the crooked off my neck, tickling me with his hair. I chuckled, pushing my oversized human dog from my ticklish spots.

Adam abruptly stopped. “He’s here.” He growled. He pulled away and straightened up, looking at the left wing of the school. Half a second later, a black Porsche glinting against the afternoon sun rounded the corner.

Adam stood up and helped me up.  The car pulled in front of us and out came Sander. When he came to us, I noticed his steps were calculated, almost practiced. Please let this two be calm.

“Hey.” Sander greeted, stoically. Good. He wasn’t provocative in the least. Adam nodded to acknowledge his presence. I released a breath I didn’t know I was holding.

“I’m picking up Jay for our research.” He told Adam, in what I could say the nearest thing for Sander to ask permission to anyone. After all, Adam was his adversary and I was his adversary’s bestfriend.

Adam stepped forward so I stopped him. Adam looked at me and sent me an assuring smile.

“I just want to tell him something. Promise, no fighting.” Adam faced Sander with cool and calmness and Sander wore an poker faced expression. “Listen, Vitreon, I know we’re on the rough side. But my bestfriend isn’t part of that. So don’t do anything to him on my behalf.”

“I’m well aware of it, Fiel and I assure you I mean him no harm.”

Sander didn’t even blink when said those words.

“Good, ‘coz if anything happens to him, god knows what I’m going to do to you.”

Sander simply nodded. And that seemed to satisfy Adam.

“Are you ready?” Sander asked.


Sander turned away and walked back to his car.

Adam gave me a one hug embrace. Something that was becoming of a habit. Ever since he knew that the scent came from me, Adam kept me at arm’s length. He said he liked the smell even if it was just me. This time though, it was longer than necessary.

Not wanting to be more caught up in hug than I already was, I patted him on the back and we pulled apart.

“I’ll see you tomorrow.” I said, following Sander.

“Don’t forget to bring those Brownies!!!” Adam shouted, waving widely at me.

“Wouldn’t dream of.” I shouted back. I rounded the car to the passenger and got in.

I buckled in and smiled at Sander who was very relaxed now that we were alone. “Let’s date.”

Sander glared at me but held no effect, especially when he smiled the next heartbeat.

Petrichor (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now