Chapter 10: The Glade

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...I wondered when it would rain so he could smell the sweet scent of petrichor. I wished it comes sooner than later....

Closing the lid of the basket, I heard a blast of distant horn announcing the arrival of the pack. I picked up the basket and swung by the living room where my mother was languidly watching a Saturday fashion TV show.

“I’m leaving, Mom. I’ve left some cookies and a cheese and ham sandwich on the table in case you’re hungry.” I said, giving her a peck on the cheeks.

“Okay. Have fun.” Ella bid, taking her attention off the TV to give me an encouraging smile.

I raced to the door and threw it open in excitement. A blue Toyota minivan driven by Randall was waiting on the driveway. Kurt sat beside Randall in the front. Blythe and Tala were in the middle and Adam’s head poked out of the rear. 

“Get your ass in here!” Adam shouted impatiently, glaring.

I approached the car in slow motion just to spite the usual slow poke who was Adam. Adam rolled his eyes at me. And it didn’t even last a few seconds before the opened the door and unceremoniously hauled me inside.

Sander peeled out of the driveway and expertly get back on the road. There was shorter trail that starts from my house but it was unused for so long that the trail was covered by high tailed grass that left the path unrecognizable. We agreed to use another way which the pack had used fairly open. They were able to maintain a clear path leading to the Glade.

Several minutes later, we arrived at the start of the trail. They carved subtle signs on tree, pointing to the way in and the way out of the clearing. It wouldn't mean anything to anyone except us. Randall led the way using a stick to beat the branches and bushes that had grown over the trail.

Adam chased after Kurt who threw a handful of dried leaves on Adam’s face. Kurt was fast though. He zoomed past Randall with Adam hot on his tail. To add insult to injury, Kurt would grab a fistful of fresh leaves and threw it behind his shoulders. The leaves always hit Adam’s face which enraged him all the more.

“Shouldn’t we stop those two before Adam murder Kurt?”

“Nah.” everyone chorused.

“Adam couldn't catch Kurt even if he wanted to. Kurt's a Flash.” Randall clarified.

Kurt and Adam continued to chase around us. Kurt was extremely fast and agile dodging away from centimeters close catch as he taunted the frustrated yet enjoying Adam.

Kurt who was getting tired of their cat and mouse game decided to uplift it to a new level. He pushed a sturdy branch and released halfway before it breaks. He threw a fist pump in the air when he heard a loud 'oof'.

Adam had barreled right into Kurt's trap. The branch hit him square on the chest.  Kneading his chest, Adam growled and bounded after Kurt. I noticed his eyes flashed bright. May be it was just a trick of light. Eyes don’t flash. May be it just caught in the passing light. Yup, that was it.

Randall slowed down and looked back at us. “We're here.” He said, pointing at the flash board nailed on the tree. It said, “BEWARE: WEREWOLVES ON THE LOOSE!!!” I remembered I was the one who painted board. Why I did? I couldn’t remember.

“Last one's an idiot!” Kurt shouted, racing off.

“Cheater!!!” Adam growled, barreling after the swift figure.

“Get him!!!” Tala shouted like a battle cry and we chased after the two.

Trees blurred, twigs snapped and branches grazed us as we throttled forward, smiling like the third grader we were. Light passed through the leaves, flickering as the trees swayed. Up ahead was a break in the density of the forest and the light brimming was a little bit blinding. I had to close my eyes to adjust to the brightness.

As light dance before my eyes, memories flashes. Most of it was still images but there were scenes that last up to several seconds. Blythe running. Adam smiling. Randall bandaging the wound of a crying Kurt because he chased after Tala who was sticking her tongue at him. The Recall wasn’t even painful. It was just a light throb, like simple reminders that it was just memories.

I opened my eyes slowly, brightness ebbing to the corner of my sight. Finally, we arrived at the clearing, The Glade.

The grass was low and patches of lavender and other flowers grew scattered around, swaying as the wind blew and dandelions floating in the air.

Kurt turned back and waved at us, a very wrong move. Adam, who was just behind, tackled him and they both gone down.

“Yield!” Adam growled.

“Never!” Kurt shouted. With a swift strike, Adam flipped Kurt on his back and pinned him in a headlock. “MERCY!!!” Kurt screamed.

Adam released him and stood up, smiling smugly. Kurt stood up, brushing off the dirt from his clothes while shooting daggers at Adam. Adam’s smile just grew wider. Kurt flipped him off but he stumbled and fell on his butt. Tala and Adam lost it. They both cracked up laughing.

“Adam, Tala.” I reprimanded them. They both stopped laughing and at least had the decency to look guilty. I knew it was just fun to them, but when they teamed up, it could be overwhelming. Besides, I hate seeing Kurt sad. It kick starts my protective instinct. Right now, he looked like a kicked puppy and nobody could resist a kicked puppy. I walked over to Kurt and helped him up. He brushed the dirt off his clothes. “Camo’n. Help me set up the blanket.”

I turned to Adam who was already rummaging through his back pack. He produced a white picnic blanket. “Sorry, Kurt.” Adam said as he gave me the blanket.

“I’m sorry, too.” Tala said, looking between her feet.

“It’s fine.” Kurt said. Adam pulled the two in a quick embrace.

I think that was enough. I looked around, determining which part of the clearing was best for our picnic. Then I saw the big oak tree. That was where we had had our first picnic. There was also a big cooler at the side. “Over there.” I pointed to the oak. When I checked if they agreed, they all had nostalgic smiles. I guess they remember it, too.

We strolled to the oak tree. The branches were wide, giving more than enough canopies against the sun. There were fallen logs surrounding a campfire pit. They must have camped here every once in a while judging from the accumulated ash and grassless area. I put my basket on the closest log and decided to set up the picnic near it.

I unfolded the blanket, flipping it once to unfurl jumbled parts. Kurt took the opposite side. I noticed the rings sewn at the two corners I was holding and there was also at Kurt’s corners. That was when I saw the big blue circle inscribe within the blanket. It was the same blanket I brought the first time we came here.

“You all kept it.” I said, voiced tight. Kurt offered a consoling smile.

“We can’t throw it away. We figured you’d be mad if we did.” Adam said. He was kneeling in front of the cooler, looking for something.

“It’s not even worn out.” I nodded to Kurt and we brought it down. Adam turned back and was now holding four wooden stakes.

“Catch.” Adam threw a stake and I grabbed it in midair.

“And what am I supposed to do with this?” I asked, eyeing the staking without a clue on what to do with it.

“Watch and learn.”

He raised the stake and stabbed the ground passing through the ring. “Nice shooting.”

“I intended to.” Adam winked at me. I feel my face heat up at the dirty implication of my comment. Swiftly, I knelt on the ground trying to hide that blush I knew was there. I pinned the ring with my stake. I still didn’t look up when I dropped on the blanket and take off my shoes.

Kurt sat in front of me. Randall sat beside him, placed the basket in the center and took off his bag. Tala took Kurt’s other side and Bylthe sat beside her which was my left. That left Adam with my right. It was as if they planned the whole thing. Or maybe they just know that I Adam was right man and it was his place to be there.

Kurt sat in front of me. Randall sat beside him, placed the basket in the center and took off his bag. Tala took Kurt’s other side and Bylthe sat beside her which was my left. That left Adam with my right. It was as if they planned the whole thing. Or maybe they just know that I Adam was right man and it was his place to be there.

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