Chapter 6: Hot 'N Cold

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...epoulo̱thoún. That word run through my mind again and I thought of how the melancholy of Blythe was lifting. May be miracles do happen....

True to his words, Adam pulled to my driveway early in the morning. A little too early in the morning. I just finished taking my shower when I heard the familiar purr of his car.

I was pulling up my pants when he barged in my room, unannounced. I tried to immediately pull it up but I only caught my feet and fell on my butt. Adam laughed out loud.  I stood up but my feet were still tangled in my pants. I ended falling again. Adam doubled over, laughing hysterically at me, before he helped me.

“There’s a manner called ‘knocking’.” I snapped at him, finally fitting into my pants.

“I’m your bestfriend.” Adam said like it was the most rational answer in the universe.

“Even Ella knocks, and she’s my mom.” I mumbled as I put on my shirt.

“Hurry up. I’m hungry. You’re mom brewed for an army.” I grabbed my bag, sitting on my study chair. I slowly turned to Adam, questioning if I forgot something. I had everything I needed.

We headed to the kitchen. Mom was placing a box of milk when we came in. Two bowls already filled Coco crunch sat on the table. Adam hurried to the table and looked between the two with outmost concentration.

“What are you doing?”

“Deciding which has more?”

I and mom chuckled but he dismissed us with a wave. Mom was looking at him as if he was the cutes thing in the world, next to me, and I couldn’t disagree with her. To me, he is the cutest thing. I would like to ease to creases in his forehead with a pepper of kisses. I decided to spare him a couple of brain cells. I took my bowl and poured some of mine to him. He gave me toothy grin.

Adam rubbed his hands before he dug in to his meal.

“Blythe called this morning.” Adam said through a mouthful. I looked at him expectantly. “Said she was going to the hospital today for checkup because she was feeling very good yesterday up to now. I hope she would do fine.”

“She will.” I assured him and myself. Adam nodded, hoping deeply.

After we finished our meal, I took the dishes to sink.

“Mom, we’re going.” I kissed on the cheeks.

“Bye, Ella.” Mom waved him off.

Adam and I got out of the house and into his car. We rode in a comfortable silence for a while.

“Why are you so silent?” Adam asked curiously.

“I’m praying.”

“Me, too.” He said softly. “A pack is stronger together. No matter what…”

“….everything will be alright when we are together.” I chimed in, subconsciously.

Adam smiled a nostalgic smile. At the same time, a sharp pain stabbed me at the back of the head. Then I see a manor and two people. Adam’s parents. I was confronting them about their son’s state. The scene shifted and I saw fifth grader Adam saying “…everything will be alright when we are together.”

“Jay!” Adam called, shaking my arm.

“Huh?” My head was spinning.

“You were grimacing. Are you alright?”

“Just a migraine.” I f*cking hate this memory recall. I rubbed my temples. “I’ll be fine.”

Adam worriedly eyed me before he focused on driving. We settled in a companionable silence. Adam kept shooting me worried glances when he thought I wasn’t looking. Big news: he doesn’t have an ounce of stealth in him. I pretended not to notice. It warmed my heart how much he cares for me.                             

The front parking lot was full. We looked for any opening but all the space was filled.

“Why don’t you wait at front while I look for a space?”

I nodded and slung my bag on my shoulders before I got out the car. Adam headed to left wing of the school.

I saw Sander walking from the right wing.

“Sander!” I called out as I run to him.

His phone slipped through his fingers and he juggled trying to catch it. His hand came up too strong and it sailed through the air. I leaped and snatched it before it fell.

“Here.” I handed him his phone.

“Thanks. That was stupid.” He smiled goofily while he scratched his nose.

“Sorry I startled you.” I smiled apologetically. I noticed the camera bag at his

“It’s okay. Camo’n let’s get inside before the bell rings.”

Sander took my arm and pulled me. But I resisted. He looked baffled for a sec before caught something past me and his face scrunched down into a scowl. He let my hand fell as he took a step a back I craned to look behind. Adam was briskly walking, competing with a darker scowl. Their cool stance might fool me but the heated glaring were more than enough sign that in just one wrong movement, these two would be jumping into each other and fighting like rabid dogs. I could especially feel it from Adam. Dogs. Stupid testosterone driven dogs.

“Vitreon.” Adam greeted flatly.

“Fiel.” said Sander just as emotionless.

“Jay is my bestfriend. If you give him trouble, you’ll answer to me.”

“As if you can back him up. You couldn’t even stand up for your damn self.”

“Try me.”

“Oh I will.”

Standing so close that I’m the only wall between this two, this might not be the best position in case they decided to have go on each other. When will ever this two drop their animosity against each other?

“Stop it you two.” I said, glaring from Sander to Adam.

Sander glared at me with the same animosity he used with Adam. He looked at Adam with the same arrogant and annoying smirk he wore at yesterday’s game.

“I’ll see you around, Ashton.” Sander said before he spun around and left. I was shocked at how he lost the friendliness just moments ago.

“Good riddance.” Adam hissed. I lightly elbowed him on the stomach before I started walking to the building.

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