Chapter 1: Retying Old Ties

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The two story house in front of us stood, pitching outward Sylva’s evergreen forest. Its walls were painted cream and the roof was slated with maroon tiles. There was a small balcony on the second floor and even a patio right in front of door.

Mom opened the front door and we entered the house. Light brown wall papers adorned the walls. A mahogany stair case led upstairs. It was just like how I dreamed our home would be.

I delved further inside. The living room was adjacent to the kitchen. And what I saw got my eyes bulging. The maroon sofa set in the middle of the living room was the same set we bought from California. We bought it for our permanent house. We sent it to grandma and grandpa to take care of it while we were on the move. And now, it rested in this house.

“So what do you think?” Mom asked as she circled her arms around my shoulder.

“Mom, the sofa... it’s here.” I said, my voice barely whole. She smiled at me and rubbed my shoulders to comfort me.

“Do you want to stay here?”

“Y-yes.” I quickly answer. I want this all my life. So yes, I would really like to stay here. “But what about your job, mom?”

“I quit. I think it’s more than late for you to have a normal life.”


“But I’ve saved enough money, completed your educational and trust fund, and I think I could get a job here. So it’s all up to you if this became our official permanent address.”

“Yes, mom. I love to stay here.”

I hug her and said my gratitude.

“Let’s unpack.” Mom suggested. I nod enthusiastically.

We went back outside. I opened the trunk and lifted the baggage out of it to the ground.

“Hello. Would you like some help?” A male voice asked. Hmmm, why did the voice sound familiar?

“If you won’t mind.” My mother said as I winched up the last of our bags.

I turned to the stranger offering his help. I froze for a moment. I couldn't believe it. Standing right in front of me was my childhood bestfriend during my last stay here in Sylva. He was one of my schoolmates from fifth grade. He was my hero during my first day at Sylva elementary school.

I was sitting alone at one corner, uncomfortable with the new crowd. I didn’t know how they would react to me so I just stayed as far away as possible.

Then, our teacher gave us a group work. I just watched my classmates group themselves, standing awkwardly in the middle of the room. I was about to cry when a deep blue eyed boy with dirty blonde hair came up to me.

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