Chapter 12.1: Consternation

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A/N. i'm sorry for not updaing bu I have to sudy for my Nursing Lieensure exam on May 25-26. So I won't be able to update anymore for the next month. Sorry for this hiatus but I really really REALLY need to study. This chapter isn't best written but I hope you would still enjoy it and read and vote and comment. It'm really sorry guys...T.T

....“Professor Ignosi.” I said. The keeper of knowledge. The Archivist.....

Everyone scrammed for the library while I and Adam were to look for Professor Ignosi. Everyone was to meet immediately on lunch break to discuss whatever we found out.

It didn’t strike me until I saw my other friends’ shadow disappear that Adam and I are going to be alone. I took a deep breath and faced Adam who was already looking at me. When I caught his eyes, he seemed to be startled and he looked instantly away. Talking about awkward.

“Let’s go.” I said, faking cheerfulness.

I didn’t want to look tense or uncomfortable. But, with every step we make, Adam stayed quiet, following obligingly. My steps faltered, uneasy and unsure how to go by with a usually loud boy gone silent.

Seriously, why is he so quite? It was so unlikely of him. Is he contemplating to dump my sorry gay ass and run away? No, he wouldn’t do that. As far as I could remember, Adam was loyal, almost to a fault. He would never let go of anyone who fell on his comfort zone. He had issues of people leaving him and being left alone. I wondered if that loyalty would hold strong enough to stick up with me when he finds out what I am.

We reached the faculty room and still Adam was quiet. A quiet Adam was never a good sign. It was either he was planning or thinking something, either of which usually wouldn’t lead to something good. Adam, a brownie for your thoughts. I just wished I knew what he was thinking.

I curtly knocked before I opened the door. I peered inside, looking for my Earth science teacher. Professor Ignosi was sipping a cup of coffee on her table. I waved Adam to follow me and we headed to her.

“Good morning, Ma’am.” I greeted politely.

Professor Ignosi put down her mug and faced us with slightly surprised smile. “Mr. Ashton and Mr. Fiel, a pleasant surprise. What can I do for both you?”

“We were wondering if you could do us a tiny favor.” I said.

 “If it falls under my capabilities, I would gladly help you. What is it then?” She asked.

“We are researching about Sylvan, we figured you might help us with some missing information.”

Prof. Ignosi put down her mug and sat a little straighter. There was a glint in her eyes, like she knows we are doing something else but for the life of her, she couldn’t figure it out. She looked like she was going to revoke her help but then she stood up.

“Why don’t we talk somewhere else?” She led us to a room and ordered Adam to close the door. “We usually use this room to talk with… troubled students. For privacy. There are just too many unwanted attention outside. This is shielded from prying dog ears.” Mrs Ignosi’s lips twitched from a suppressed smile while saying the last two words. She pointed on the sofa and we took our seat. She took the chair in front of us. “So what you want to talk about?”

“It’s about the forest of Fyllo. Do you know who owns the forest?”

“To my knowledge, about three fourths of the forest are privately owned by old families. The remaining is converted in protected preserves dedicated to protect Sylva’s natural biodiversity.”

Petrichor (boyxboy)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora