Chapter 2: Reckoned

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 I was running, running away from something I knew was dangerous. I heard a howl somewhere behind my back. I hastened my pace. Branches and twigs snapped beneath my feet. My footfalls sounded deafeningly loud around the forest bounds. I knew it could hear me and follow the sounds I made.

It howled again. This one, it was louder, closer to where I am.

The forest suddenly closed in. The green foliage gathered far too thick for me to discern the right path for the egress. It howled again with a killing enthusiasm. I snapped out of my disbelief and run to a random direction. I had to move. Staying stationary would only let it to catch up with me. RUN!

Another howl.

It was so close I could feel every strand of my hair stood up from its mere vibration.

Leaves quivered, twigs snapped and heavy footfalls echoed behind me. I could hear the deep, hungry growl it made.

Another howl.

It came from my left. I swerved away from it. But the sounds it made simply trailed after my direction.

Suddenly I was pitching forward and I saw the outcropping root that caused me to stumble. I lurched crashing to a tree trunk. The tree shook and a few dead leaves fell. I slowly sat up and leaned on it.

Leaves shuddered. My head snapped to the direction where it was coming from, breath caught in my throat. The bush was shaking, something was moving inside it.

I heard the growling noise again. Every muscled in me tensed, bracing myself for the attack.

But then, everything became silent, became lifeless still.

Was it gone? Had it lost its appetite for me? May be. I sighed in relief and closed my eyes, catching my breath.

I opened my eyes and I couldn’t stop the mind freeze that numbed my mind. The ‘it’ was right in front of me. Its lupine eyes centered into slits and warm saliva drooled out of its mouth.

“JAY!” it roared, opening its massive jaw to bite me.

I bolted straight up my bed and knock my head pretty hard on something. I automatically brought my hands to my head and moaned just as I heard someone else moaned, too.

I turned my head to see Adam rubbing his temple, teeth gritting at obvious pain.

"Adam! I'm sorry!" I said. Finally awake with a start, I turned to him and pulled his hand away to check his injury.

His temple was flushed and a bump rose up from the naturally plain surface.

"Never thought you're such hard-headed." He said, wincing when I touched the bump.

"I said I'm sorry."

The bastard simply smiled at my face. I scowled darkly at him but he just laughed right at my face. Clearly he was enjoying this.

"What are you doing here anyways? Besides, making my day?” I asked, sarcasm rolling heavily off my tongue.

I turned my back from him and begun fixing my bed, putting the pillows at my headboard and pulling my blankets to cover my bed.

"Jay, sorry.” He said.

I ignored him and went to my wardrobe. I was about to open the door when Adam suddenly grabbed my hand.

"What?" I snapped.

Adam instantly jerked his hand off my arm and took a step back.

Shet. What am I doing? I don't usually snap at anyone and being a morning person, it is out of my character to be grumpy at this early hour. I only become grumpy when I didn't have enough sleep which must be the case today. We just have our move yesterday from New York and my body wasn't apt for the abrupt change of time zone. I might even have a jet lag.

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