Chapter 11.1: A Big Misundertanding

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...“Fine!” He said and impatiently pulled me in the room...

“Jay!” I turned around and saw Sander jogging over our direction. Adam groaned in aggravation. I shot him a reprimanding look to stop whatever smartass comment forming in his head. Adam scoffed but thankfully remained silent.

“Go ahead. I’ll see you at the table.”

Adam was affronted but I gave him a once over look. We both knew getting them in the same spot or even the same room was a big No-No in Sylvan history. Both of them are easy trouble. Adam turned away but not before pouting heavily which made me feel guilty.

When I turned back, Sander had stop in front of me, lips twitching with a one side smile.

“Hey, what’s up?”

“I printed copies of our report.” He said, handing me the said copy. “It’ll be easier to read it like this than on mobile.”

“Thanks. Is that all?”

“I would invite you to my table but your boyfriend is shooting me Death Star class  eye lasers.”

I glanced to our table and caught Adam sending a very heated glare to our direction. He immediately looked down and pretended to eat his snack.

“He’s not my boyfriend.” I said.

“You’re actions speaks otherwise...”

“Not. My. Boyfriend.”

“If you say so. See yah later.” He waved off and went to his table.

When I reached the table, Adam was munching on my apple and half of my food was already gone. His own tray was empty of food with food wrappings left. This morning he ate about 5 pieces of pancakes and finished almost half of the cereal box. Not to mention he already ate at his place. His appetite was ravenous to say the least.

I sat beside him and took the last of the cookie. I gobbled down the whole cookie afraid that I might not able after the way Adam was eyeing it. I stuck my tongue at him. Adam pouted for a minute before he got back to scowling.

“So… what did the Jerk want?” Adam asked coldly.

“If you must know, he gave me a printed copy of our report so it’ll be easier for me to report.”

 “Ow. . . Really?”

“The guy is not really that bad. Give him a chance.”

I was met with a round of snorts.

“Second?” I piped up hopefully.

I visibly winced when they made another round of snorting.

“Okay. Just another chance. He’s good with me. Just be more welcoming is all I ask.” I gave them an encouraging smile. They were all hesitant but they all give me half-hearted yes. That was fair enough.

 “Sometimes you are too good for your own good. May be that’s why I so love you.” Adam said, ruffling my hair. He was shaking his head but the fondness in his eyes told me otherwise. I pushed him good naturedly, trying to hide blushing I feel creeping up my cheeks.

When the bell rung, Adam walked me to my next subject. Sander was standing by the door, kicking dust on the floor with the tip of his shoe.

“Oh there you are partner!” Sander exaggeratedly greeted, drawling on the last word. I didn’t miss the challenging side glance he sent over Adam. I could smell trouble. Adam didn't miss the emphasis and a scowl easily darkened his handsome face. That is trouble alright.

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