Chapter 5.1: Melancholy of Blythe

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… Warmth tingled on my chest, running to my shoulders, my arms and my fingertips. Then, it flowed to where I touched. And Blythe was getting warmer by the second. I think that was a good sign.

Blythe pressed closer to me and she settled her head at the nook of my neck. I felt her warm, relieved sigh on my skin. The feeling of out of place, that something was missing, was now gone. I’m still worried with Blythe’s condition. But apart from that, everything felt right. I felt settled. Something I never felt in all the places I’d been through.

“How are you feeling, Bee?”

Blythe titled her head back to look at me. Her eyes crossed to focus due to my nearness.

“I had worse days, you know. But now, everything’s better.” Blythe said. Her voice was thick with emotion, just seconds away from crying. I smoothened her hair and gave her shoulder a reassuring squeeze. “Enough about my uninteresting story. It’s you who have an adventure to tell.”

“Yah, Jay. You haven’t told me anything yet, that’s saying you’re keeping a lot since I’m your best friend.” Adam stated. I look down and scratch my head. I might be relaxed and comfortable with the physical closeness already but the vocal part was still on a sleep crawl. I looked back up at him and met a pair of raised, expectant eyebrows. I gave him my best apologetic smile I could muster. Adam rolled his eyes and waved me to continue. “Save the apology for later and just get on with it.”

So that was what I did. I told them I went to the Golden coast to visit my grandparents and stayed for several weeks there bathing and ogling the sun tanned people of California. Adam got very excited when I mention this and encouraged me to delve in to details. Mom resumed her work and we hopped from one state to another. I told them about the painting class me and mm enrolled and how we got kicked out the very next minute because we accidentally, I didn’t know how, broke every damn thing inside. This sent the two on an uncontrollable fit of laughter. I told them when we went to the Great Canyons and illegally rock climbed. I told them about the schools I attended. All the time, they listened intently and I felt just fine.

“Okay, my love, I know you all are excited catching up but you need something to keep up that energy. So here you go.” Mrs. Venti said, laying down a plateful of cookies and drinking set for three of ice cold lemonade. She gave us a warm encouraging smile before she left us again.

“You really have to describe the chicks from the west coast.” Adam jumped on me with a dramatic eager look in his face.

“Shut up, you perve.” I noticed the added huskiness of my voice and my throat felt raw. I didn’t realized how long I was talking until I stopped.


I hit him with a throw pillow before I started hitting him with my own bear hands. Men could be so pervert. Adam frowned and I stuck my tongue out to him. Blythe tried but epically failed to hide her laugh. She never did anyway.

I got up gingerly. I reached out for the snacks and served Adam and Blythe before I get mine. It felt right to see their needs first before mine. It eased something in me.

“Jay… please.” Adam pleaded, wanting that California girls details. The hell I would tell. I shook my head as I sat on the arm of the chair. Adam slumped on his seat and went back to eating his food, grudgingly. But after a second, he perked up. “You forgot to tell her the good news.”

“What good news?” Blythe asked, looking at Adam then to me.

“He’ll be staying here for good!” Adam boomed.

“That’s the best news I’ve ever heard! Both of you really made my day.”

“Aww. Group hug!!!” Adam shouted and we enveloped Blythe in the warmest bear hug. There was that unsettling coldness again. I kept my self from flinching but it was really bothering me.

“I wish every day is like this.” Blythe said in a wistful tone.

Adam ruffled her hair.

“Of course, it will.” Adam said.

“And it’s going to get better.” I added.

We decided to watch TV. Blythe waned to transfer to the sofa which Adam greatly objected since it would cause her too much pain. But Blythe being the stubborn girl she was moved quicker than Adams mouth and transferred before Adam could even call her mother.

“I’m okay, Adam. Nothing’s hurting me okay?”

Adam sighed but gave her the look that said, ‘you do it again and you’re grounded’.

I settled on Blythe’s left while Adam on other side, surfing the channel.

I could feel that coldness again, not as strong as the first time. But it was there. And it was unlike any other. The cold seemed to be coming somewhere from the inside, which was wrong in every way. Being so close to Blythe, I could feel the coldness coldest at her chest.

“Do you feel cold?” I asked her.

Blythe looked up at me. She seemed surprised with my question. Adam perked up to see what was happening.

“I’m a little less cold than usual, actually.”

“Let’s make you warmer then.” I said. I moved closer and wrapped my arms around her shoulder. I felt Adam’s arm overlapped mine. I smiled at him and he smiled back.

“Now I’m feeling toasted.”

We chuckled at her comment.

As the two focused on the TV, I focused on Blythe again, still sensing that coldness. It was not supposed there and it pissed me off not knowing how to get it out of her. I had a strong feeling that it played an important part to her sickness.


That word again. Warmth pooled in my chest like before.

Epoulo̱thoún.” I whispered. The warmth flowed with every beat of my heart and jumping onto Blythe. Melting the coldness that wasn’t supposed to be there, flowing to where it was coldest.

Pricks of coldness strike me like ice of a hail storm. I flinched but did not stop. I wouldn’t stop until this coldness is gone, until Blythe is okay. I keep feeding my warmth till the cold receded to a corner.

“We have to go. It’s late.” Adam said, after an hour worth of television. Adam stood up and stretched. As I pulled away from Blythe and stood up as well, the coldness washed back slowly. I immediately took her hand and the coldness receded back to a corner.

Epoulo̱thoún.” I said, softly. My heart pounded and a tingling sensation added to the flow of warmth. And the coldness was gone.

Blythe suddenly took a lungful of air and I felt a little lightheaded. And everything tilted to the left before it went black.

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