Chapter 6.1: Hot or Cold?

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. . .Adam hissed. I lightly elbowed him on the stomach before I started walking to the building. . .

“He’s being a royal asshole.” Adam explained. We were in the cafeteria and sitting in his usual table. Randall, Kurt and Tala were already there. It seems like we were always late. I saw Sander sitting next to alpha bitch, as what Tala called her, Alana Archon and her hands wrapped around his arms.

Adam softly nudged me. I turned to see him giving me those puppy dog eyes. I’ll be damned if I can resist it. I planned to give him the cold shoulder the whole morning because of what happened. These boys needed to learn civility. But with the way Adam’s looking at me, I couldn’t keep up this façade. Sighing,

“You’ve been dealing with him for a long time. You, of all the people, should know better than to antagonize him.” I reminded him strictly.

“Like hello. He’s getting under my skin, especially with the way he’s treating you.”

“But you could at least be civilized.”

Adam sighed exasperatedly. He must be really tired of dealing with Sander. Who knows someone could really strain his tolerance?

“Fine. I promise.” He said, sincerely if not begrudgingly.

“There’s a good boy.” I said, warmly. After that, we were back to our old selves.

“So you heard the good news yet?” Adam asked, excitedly. His question was met with curious questioning gazes. “Blythe’s getting better!”

The table was silent for a second until they comprehended what Adam just said.

“That’s great!” Kurt said.

“Thank God!” Tala whispered, graciously.

“Indeed, thank God.” Randal said voice thick with emotion. “But how? I mean the doctors said it incurable.”

Adam recounted what had happened last night from the time we arrived to the time we left. He meticulously narrated my blacking out scene and how Blythe managed to catch me before I fell. While I just shook my head at how Adam able to put some legacy into it. But hearing another perspective had me feeling something with what had happened. It was like magic.

After Adam finished, the three were looking at me with awe.

“I don’t know what you think, but I think Jay made a miracle.” Tala said, smiling fondly at me. I just snorted at the notion.

“All hail his holy Jayness.” Kurt declared

“All hail!” Adam responded, bowing low.

I groaned, Tala giggled, Randal smiled and the two were grinning and laughing like they just scored.

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