Oliver Wood x Percy Weasley

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Percy Weasley x Oliver wood


Percy Weasley and Oliver Wood were in the same dorm rooms, and the same year. Now you may ask yourself, why does this matter? Because they are both extremely specific, extreme perfectionists, but about totally and completely different things. Oliver would go on and on about the next quidditch match and annoy Percy to no end, while Percy would go over test answers late into the night and pissing Oliver off. This only worsened when the two started dating.

"Percy, you've been studying for hours. It's time to go to bed." Oliver stated firmly. He wasn't exaggerating either. Percy had been going through books,  writing notes on parchment, going through books again, and rewriting notes until he'd done it to his satisfaction, since after dinner, and it was now four in the morning. "Oliver. I've told you, I can't. If I don't get top marks I won't get a good job in the ministry!" Percy said exasperated. Oliver rolled his eyes, and huffed at his boyfriend. He could be so stupid at times. Cute, but stupid.

Instead of leaving he went around the table and picked Percy up, throwing him over his shoulder. "Oliver! You ass! Put me down!" Percy was kicking and punching, but Oliver only continued to carry him to their room. He sat Percy onto the bed and went through the wardrobe looking for Percy's pajamas. Once he found them he turned back to Percy.

He pinned Percy down onto the bed, and pulled his button up off. He then forced the shirt on over his head. He moved onto the pants, doing the same he did to the shirt. He got into bed and pulled Percy under the covers with him. After Percy had stopped fighting, Oliver kissed him on the cheek, and then the lips. 

"You may not think it, but you are not a robot, and you don't have to constantly study everything to get top marks, when they're basically handed to you anyway. No go the fuck to sleep." Oliver pulled him closer by the shoulders and waited until Percy fell asleep before doing so himself.


Percy was done. Oliver had been working himself ragged the past week and a half. He was dragging himself back to the dorms, either soaking wet, or nearly dry. Percy tackled him one day.

"Argh! Percy, why did you do that?" Oliver grunted when Percy leapt onto him. "Stop worrying, you need rest now." Percy would have dragged him to their room, if they weren't interrupted. 

"What are you two doing down here? You should be in the common room!" Neville said. Thankfully, Oliver was fully clothed already having gotten dressed in the showers. "We were just about to go to sleep, Neville." Percy replied stiffly, dragging Oliver to their rooms before they could get questioned further. "You do realise that I have everything to worry about, right? Every year Harry has somehow gotten incapacitated." Before Oliver could go on further Percy had grabbed him by the collar and pulled him down for a kiss.

"Oliver. Shut up, and don't worry. Ok?" He pulled the stronger into bed with him and they fell asleep fairly quickly. 


The following week at the quidditch match he cheered and screamed when Harry caught the snitch, not because he cared for the sport, but because he knew how happy Oliver would be. When he got close enough, he pulled him in for a chaste kiss. "Congratulations, captain." Percy watched as the sea of fans carried them away. They both ended the night late and before long they were laughing about who knows what, too drunk on Oliver's stash of fire whiskey to care. 

Later though, they heard a commotion in the common room, and Percy had to put on his prissy boy facade. The joy drained out of him, however, when he found out that Sirius black had nearly killed his brother.

When back in the safety of their dorms Percy broke down. "Oliver, he could have killed him!" Percy sobbed into his boyfriend's shirt. He could barely stand it, his precious little brother being killed by some psychopathic mass murderer. He couldn't stop crying, Oliver's hand rubbing on his arms and back were distant feelings. 

When he could gather his thoughts he realized that he had made his way onto Oliver's lap. His thoughts weren't straying to dirty things, he flung his arms around Oliver's neck pushing him onto his back, cuddling him. "Shhh, Ron's ok dear. He couldn't have done anything." Oliver murmured into his ear. Percy sighed, he kissed Oliver on the shoulder before falling into a nightmare filled sleep.


"OLIVER! ENOUGH!" Percy was done with this conversation, he just wanted to go to bed. "Please! Percy please it's just for one night!" Oliver pleaded. He discovered there was a muggle fair setting up close by and he really wanted to go. Percy, however, refused. He knew that fairs and circuses and the sort had children milling about everywhere, and he was not the best around children. "Percyyy! Please! It's only for an hour!!" Percy groaned. "One hour then we leave." Percy knew he made the right decision when allover gave him a brilliant smile. A half hour later they were dressed in muggle clothes, and walking toward the fair.

Even Percy was impressed. There were so many rides , and food carts, and games. Oliver seemed determined to hit up everything, including the roller coasters and Feris wheel. But not before getting cotton candy. "Percy you have to eat some, it's so good!" Oliver exclaimed, with a large bag of it in his hands. Percy took a small bit of it and nearly spit it out. 

"Oliver, that's way too much sugar, don't eat too much." Oliver however, had already eaten half the bag. Percy jerked it away from him and shrunk it. He stuck it into his pocket. "Percy! Give it back!" Oliver stuck his hand into Percy's pocket, trying to get the bag back. "Oliver! No stop! You're not getting it ba… Look Oliver…" Oliver turned and saw it. It was huge, and goes higher than you'd ever need to on a broomstick. Oliver started tugging Percy over. 

Once they were properly seated the ride started, Percy was scared out of his mind, while Oliver was exhilarated. By the time the ride ended Percy was crying. "Oliver, please I wanna go home!" Percy begged. Oliver sympathized. He led him behind one of the booths, and they appareated home. "Okay come on, we're taking a shower before we're going to bed."

Oliver took him into the bathroom, started the water, and helped Percy get in. He started off by washing his hair, and then his body, neither of them had the energy to do anything related to sex that night. He got out of the shower, dried himself off, and then dried Percy off. They went to the bedroom and covered themselves up, without bothering to get dressed. "Goodnight, love." Oliver whispered, and got a snore in response. He laughed quietly and turned off the lights.

Well that's the end. I didn't quite get it how I wanted, but it's done. Oh you wanted a sweet fair thing? Nope. You get what I thought would happen. Also I just wanted to write two control freak perfectionists in love. Leave me be.

(1232 words)

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