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"Hi guys, come in!"

Leigh and Andre had just arrived at Jade's house; after weeks of putting it off the brunette had finally agreed on having some help to get everything ready for her son's imminent arrival. The couple brought Jamal with them in the hope that doing an activity with Andre would mend their relationship.

"Hello Jade, How are you?" Jamal asked, hugging her tightly. "I'm good honey, are you ready to help us set up the nursery?", she replied, stroking his hair and smiling as the kid nodded excitedly. When Perrie and Alex arrived everyone started working on different things.

After a few hours, tired of hearing Alex and Andre bickering on how to assemble the crib and the changing table, the girls opted for going into Jade's room and working on something else. Leigh was now taking care of the pram, Perrie was focused on the bouncer, while Jade was emptying all the boxes and moving things from one place to the other.

"Jade, take it slow! How many times do I have to say it?" Perrie scolded her, tired of repeating the same thing over and over. In the same amount of time she and Leigh had managed to assemble those two items, Jade had unpacked all the gifts and purchases they did, sterilized all the bottles, and took the baby items, folded them and organized them in the baby's closet.

"Jade, she is right, take it slow please" Leigh agreed with Perrie, standing up and putting the pram aside. "Look, we are more than halfway done, when the guys are finished we can start putting everything in the nu- Jade, babe put that down!", she scolded her, noticing how Jade had lifted another box.

"Relax, this is empty" the brunette sighed and started to walk away to put it with the others, but she groaned a little in the attempt of doing so. In less than a second the girls were by her side. "Are you okay?" Perrie asked concerned without moving her eyes from her. Jade slightly nodded while breathing out. "Yes, don't worry. It's just my back, it's been a little bit sore lately".

"Okay Jade, you are done. You are not going to do anything else today" Perrie stated seriously. "But I still need to pack everything", Jade whispered back, still a little bit in pain. "Okay, you sit here and tell us what to put in the bags", Leigh instructed, directing her to the bed and then going into her closet.

At 12 they were finally done, the only thing left was putting the car seat and fixing the cot to Jade's bed. The guys offered to do that while the girls ordered lunch.

"How are you doing now?", Leigh asked when they were in the kitchen waiting for the guys to be finished and the food to be delivered. "Better", Jade replied, drinking some water and smiling to reassure them, without managing to look convincing. Perrie just sighed and gently stroked her knee, "Less than 3 weeks baba, I'm so excited".

"Sorry girls, can we go to the living room? I need to sit on the sofa, my back is hurting again", Jade whispered, causing her friends to roll their eyes, and bite their tongues in the attempt of not telling her that she should have taken it more easily. They helped her stand up and go into the living room, they then sat next to her.

"You definitely overworked yourself baba" Perrie said, noticing the expression of discomfort on her face. She stroked her bump gently and Jade sighed, resting her head on her bandmate's shoulder. Leigh started playing with her hair, "What's going on babe? Is everything alright?", she asked as the brunette lifted her head.

"I wanted to ask you if you want to be at the hospital when I go into labor; my mom will be there but I would like you two as well. You don't have to say yes, I mean you have your families, your things, so many stuff to worry about", she asked shyly and Perrie smiled softly. "We will be wherever you want us to be baba".

"I want you all the way, everywhere" was Jade's whispered reply that caused Leigh to smile at their friend's sudden timidness. "So that's exactly where we are going to be", she concluded, kissing her cheek.

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