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"experience is what you get when you don't get what you want."

The sound of my phone ringing every ten seconds caused me to woke me up and after many attempts I finally managed to haul myself out of bed.

Once I'd made my way to the bathroom I quickly turned on the shower and hopped in. Ice cold water immediately splashed onto my shoulders, causing me to flinch.

"Crap," I squeaked, jumping back.

What a great start to the day.


After I had finished in the bathroom I hurried downstairs to get some breakfast. In the end I grabbed a cereal bar along with a cup of juice and sat down at the table.

"Good morning," My mother greeted me.

"Morning," I mumbled, immediately dismissing her before continuing to eat.

"Chloe," My mother shouted as she stood up in front of me, "that is no way to speak to your mother!" Fucking great, "Apologize now or leave!"

"I'll take the latter!" I snapped at her, escaping the room before she could respond.

My mother and I had never formed any sort of bond throughout my entire childhood. Her and my father had divorced when I was just three years old, meaning that I had almost no one I could talk to at home. Obviously there was my sister Abbie, who was two years older than me, but her and I had drifted apart as sisters over the past two years. Like myself, she would shut herself away which led to us hardly ever interacting.

I was always put last in my family, mainly due to my mother. This had given me, especially as I got older, a horrible impression of her that had stuck. Most of the time I would find myself running out of the house, crying, and making my way to Dani's which was around the corner.

Her and Sam had witnessed first-hand my relationship with my mother, so they were constantly inviting me over and letting me stay overnight. Little things like these made me even more grateful to have them in my life.


Once I was completely dressed and ready I looked in the mirror one final time.

Half of my blonde hair was pinned up on the top of my head, using a bow, whilst the rest hung in natural waves down my back. My blue eyes stood out amongst my fair skin and my lashes were slightly curled. My cheeks had a slight pink tone and my lips were glossy, thanks to the balm that I had put on them.

I think I looked... nice?

Well, hopefully nice enough for school. I went to an all-girls school which, lucky for me, was full of judgmental bitches.

My eyes started moving down my tall figure in the mirror and I found myself mentally pointing out flaw after flaw. To others these 'flaws' might've seemed like nothing, but for me they had been printed into my mind for years.

"Chloe, hurry up or we're gonna be late!" Abbie called up the stairs. I grabbed my bags along with my phone, in a hurry, and joined my sister in the hallway.

"You ready?" Abbie asked.

"Ready as I'll ever be." I sighed in response.


The bus journey was long and tiresome. I found myself drifting off every five minutes, only to be shaken awake by Abbie again and again.

"We're nearly there, sleepyhead," Abbie whispered as she shook my shoulder gently.


"Cheer up would you," She groaned, "You can't let one person get to you this much Chloe,"

"It's not that easy to forget the shit people say to you Abbie,"

"I know, but you have to make an effort," She pleaded.

"I'm trying," I muttered, looking out of the window.

The amount of anxiety I was feeling right now about going back to school was probably ridiculous.

"But on the other hand, you can't let her get away with having bullied you for three years,"

"Don't you think I know that?" I heard my voice crack slightly as I spoke.

"Whatever," She sighed, giving up in her pep talk, "We're here."

"Let's just hope I won't have to start saying four years," I said to myself, just quiet enough for no one else to hear.

Pathetic. That's what I was.


My previous anxiety only increased further when I entered the corridors as it felt as though everyone had stopped what they were doing and were just staring at me. I quickly dropped my head and increased my pace in order to get out of the claustrophobic area and get to my form room.

I heard further murmurs and whispers on my way but did my best to ignore them and after, what felt like ages, I reached the classroom.

Relief flooded over me as I immediately spotted my friend Ash and ran straight towards her. She was hard to miss with her black and red dip-dyed hair.

Ash was just a bit shorter than me and had dark, olive toned skin. She had dark, rounded eyes which had thick black eyelashes framing them. Her nose was slightly pointed at the end and her eyebrows were always perfectly arched.

"Chloe!" She practically screamed as she saw me.


"I've missed you." She said, patting me on the back. Hugs weren't really her thing.

"I've missed you..." Just as I was about to finish my sentence the door flew open

"Sian!" Ash cheered, running over to hug her.

'Ah! I've missed you so much," She shouted in response, her voice sounding almost sarcastic.

Sian was the outgoing one in our group. She was the smallest but the loudest. She had short brown hair and wore glasses. Her eyes were dark brown and shaped like almonds whilst she had a button nose.

"So, tell me everything about your holidays! All the details, everything!" Sian excitedly demanded, flipping her hair over her shoulder. Why was she acting like this? I was used to her loud and excitable attitude, but this--well, it just appeared fake.

"Ariane!" Both of them shouted at once.

"Hey," She replied, "You have no idea how relieved I am to see you guys, I've been so bored without you."

Ariane was my height and had medium-length, light brown hair. She had small, hazel eyes and dimples in her cheeks when she smiled. Ariane was extremely pretty. I felt bad thinking this but I often envied her confidence when it came to knowing her self-worth.

"Chloe." Ash gave me a nudge, drawing me out of my gaze.

"Oh, sorry," I mumbled, "I'm just really tired,"

"Aren't we all," Sian sighed a little too quietly.


these chapters are just fillers so that i can introduce the characters and the story line so please be patient with me, thank you!

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