t h i r t e e n

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t h i r t e e n

"if God brings you to it; he will bring you through it."


I returned back to the booth in which Harry was and sat down silently.

"Chloe?" Harry waved his hand in front of my eyes, "Are you okay? You look like you've seen a ghost." He chuckled.

"Yeah, I'm fine," I snapped, "Sorry, I'm suddenly not feeling great either. I might go,"

"Do you want me to walk you back to your hotel?"

"No, it's okay," I smiled at him, "Thank you though."

"Chloe..." He began.

"I'm fine Harry, honestly."

"I'm walking you back and that's final." He spoke sternly with a hint of endearment.

"No, please. Stay here and have fun." I pleaded, getting up and grabbing my stuff.

"No" He sighed, "If anything were to happen to you..."

"Calm down, I said I'll be fine."

"Yeah, okay," He mumbled as an emotion flashed through his eyes, though I couldn't quite tell what it was. A few seconds later Sian emerged from the bathroom, a smug grin evident on her face. I silently prayed that she wouldn't see me, but immediately we locked eye contact. She simply smirked before walking over to the bar.


"I've got to go." I whispered, hurrying towards the door without saying another word.

"Chloe!" Harry yelled, chasing behind me.

"What?" I questioned as I turned to face him.

"Why did you run away like that?"

"I didn't-"

"I'm not just going to drop it without an explanation, Chloe." He spoke, his eyes full of concern.

"It's just a bunch of shit," I mumbled,

"Do you wanna talk about it babe?" He questioned. My stomach fluttered slightly at the use of the word. What the heck?

"It would take too long to explain," I let out a sigh, "I don't want to hold you up."

"I've got all night," He grinned at me, "Now let's get you back to your hotel." He placed my hand in his and began pulling me along. I quickly pulled back and a confused expression crossed his face.


"Uh, nothing. I've just had a long night," I muttered, "I should get going. Sorry."

"Chloe, I really don't think you should be walking alone at this time at night." He spoke, my vision blurring slightly. Suddenly everything slowed down around me and my legs began wobbling.

"Just go." I pleaded, my voice betraying me.

"Chloe?" Harry's voice became even more distant as I felt myself begin to fall. What was happening?

The last thing I saw, before everything went black, was another figure joining Harry by my side.


"Oh my god! Is she okay?" A voice questioned from behind me, Dani?

"Yes she will be fine Ma'am, don't worry," A male voice spoke. As my vision came into focus I could make out that he was a doctor. Why was I at a hospital?

"She's awake!" Dani spoke as her and someone else rushed to my side.

"Hello?" I whispered, "What happened?"

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