Chapter Three- Talk

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You wake up to the sound of your alarm clock going off. Rolling over you groan, looking at the time. It's 5:45am. You get up, rubbing the sleepiness out of your eyes and head upstairs. You drag your feet to the kitchen where you start making lunch for Alex. You pack him some fruits, veggies, a sandwich, and cookie for a treat.

You head out for a quick run. Turning up your music, you jog for about four miles before turning back home. By the time you got back, your sister and brother were already up and getting ready for school. You head down to your room and quickly jump in the shower. You change into a simple shirt and jeans.

Grabbing all your school things, you head upstairs and rushes your siblings into your car, where you drive them. You drop off Alex first before heading to your school. Parking you get out and walked down to the cafeteria. Nothing special happens at your school beside a few fights here and there. You take your seat closes to the cafeteria doors.


In class you pay attention to what the teacher was teaching and you take down notes. As you waited for the teacher to move on, you started drawing Alcina Dimitrescu. Her square jawline. Her black curly hair. Her golden eyes and her soft crimson lips. Your mind went back to the scene where Alcina touch your hair and really close to you. Your heart started beating rapidly, giving you butterflies.

Your face heats up and hold on a squeal. You feel your sex get hot with lust. You try to tone down the sexual thoughts about Alcina, but it only made you more needy. You clench your hand on the desk, red in the face. You look at the clock, five more minutes. Five pain staking minutes of torture. You slowly start to grind your sex against the chair, trying not to draw attention not yourself.

When the bell rings you dash out and head to your next class. Hoping you distract your sexual desires. As you walk into art class you sit down and pull out your sketch book and pencils. Your teacher tell you to draw whatever you desire. Picking up your pencil, you start an outline of what your gonna draw. Slowly you start to bring the picture to life.

You shade in where it needed to shaded and added more details where you sought fit best. Pulling away to admire your art work, when you realize what you drew. Blood flushed your cheeks. The picture that you drew, was....very stunning yet sexual. The drawing had Alcina straddling you in first person, while she held a leash in her hand. Her lustful eyes daring down at you. Her bare body looking ever so glamorous.

In her other hand had your come cover in it, while she was licking it and smiling smugly at you. You quickly close your sketch book out of embarrassment.


You drove home to find that your mom hasn't come home from work, so you take the opportunity and run down to your room, closing and locking you door and walked over to your chest, where you held all your wonderful sex toys. Grabbing your key chain, you picked out a key and unlock the chess. Looking at all your toys, you take out an dildo and a vibrator. You head to your bathroom and closed the door. Pulling off your pants and underwear, you get into the shower and sit down on the floor and started touching yourself.

You turn on the vibrator and placed it on you slit and slowly moved it up and down. You gasp and moan at the touch. You bring your free hand to your clit and started to rub it in a circular motion. Your sex starts to her hot and drip with wetness. You stop rubbing your clit and grabbed the dildo and moved the vibrator to your clit while you slowly put the dildo into you wet needy hole.

Your walls clench around the dildo as you push it deeper into your wet hole. You put the vibrator on a higher speed as you started thrusting the dildo into your pussy. Tipping your head back, you moan at the pleasure. You roll your hips and put more pressure on to your clit, crying out. You can feel that your close, so you thrust faster and harder, while putting the vibrator on the highest level and pushing it into you clit.

You shut your eyes and gasp as you feel your orgasm leave your body. Rocking out the wave, you turned off the vibrator and slowly taking out the drenched dildo. You lay there, catching your breath before washing off.


You were the busy working on Alex's room, while blasting music on your phone to notice that your mother was calling out name. As your finishing up and putting on the last touches, you take a step back and admire your work. You turn to leave the room when you jumped and yelled out, clutching to your heart.

"Holy shit mother." You said gasping, pulling out your earbuds. "You scared the shit outta me." You started laughing for who know what reason. Your mother just stands there and looks at you.

"I need to speak with you y/n." She said.

"Oh?" You replied back, "What for?"

Your mother doesn't answer and turns and heads upstairs, leaving you to wonder what's going on. You take off your tool belt and headed upstairs. You find your mother sitting in the living room with a cup to tea. She motions for you to sit down. You looked at her with an questionable look. She sips her tea before speaking.

"Y/n, I have news for you." She says.

You nob slowly, your heart pounding nervously.

"Once you graduate from high school you'll head straight to Alcina's Castle. You at to be there no later than the day you graduate."

You sat there in disbelief. Part of you was happy that you'll be seeing Alcina again but the other part of you was devastated to know that you won't be seeing your second family.

Your mother continues, "You are to wear only the clothes on your back. And she said not you bring your phone. It won't be allow in her Castle."

You sat there shaking, your mind racing. Searching for something to say, anything. But nothing came. Your mother stands up and looks down at you.

"Well it was nice to get to know you y/n. But you know love doesn't last forever." She smiles cruelly, before heading out. "Such a pathetic child."

***Author's Note***

So sry for taking so long. Imma be honest, I've been procrastinating on this chapter. I've been working on my other book.  Lol but I hope you loved it just as much as I do.

Also P.S, there wasn't supposed to be any smut in this chapter but some how it ended up in here. Lol. Anywho there will be more smut later on.

What do y'all think about another Alcina Dimitrescu story? And a Mother Miranda story? Let me know what you want next.

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