Chapter Six

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Her words rang in your head, 'i want you to be my personal maiden' You we're in shock by her words. She looks down at you while you processed what was going on. Your heart flutters and you smiled.

"I would loved to be your personal maid." You bowed to hide the huge grin that was written on your face. Your Lady hum in approval.

"You'll start tomorrow morning pet." She smirks at you, "You'll report to my chambers to collect your tasks then you'll report back to my chambers when your done. Understood pet?"

You nod grinning, "Yes M'Lady." With that your Lady walks out of your room and you couldn't contain your excitement. Jumping up and down, squealing. You hop into bed and snuggled into your sheets, falling into sleep.

The following morning you get up and changed into your uniform then proceed to your Mistress room. You knocked me the door when there was no answer you walked in and saw your Lady sleeping in her bed. Quitely walking up to her bed, you gently shake her shoulder.

"My Lady, it's time to wake up." You said, shaking her. Suddenly you felt a hand grab your throat as to were lifted up off the ground. "M-my lady..." You try to speak. You place your hands on hers gripping, hitting anything to get free. Black spots start to show up, blurring your vision. 'This is it. This is how I die.' just when your body started to feel weak, you remember a pressure point in the wrist.

Summing the last bit of strength, you put both hands on your lady's wrist, and put all your strength into it. Screams filled her chambers as you fell on the ground, gasping for air. Your Lady wakes up and glares down at you. You grasp your neck and looked up at your Mistress. Her golden ores piercing through you. Shuddering, you start to speak.

"M-My Lady." Your voice was horsed as you coughed lightly. "I-I was trying to wake you but...." You trailed off. Shaking your head you stood up and bowed. "I'll get your bath ready for you." With that you walked into her bathroom and drew her a bath, putting some lavender and rose essential oils into the water. Swirling the water around you dried off your hands and walked back into the bedroom, where your Mistress was sitting in her chair, a glass of wine in one hand and a cigarette in the other.

You bow and spoke "Your bath is ready M'Lady." Your Lady gets up and heads to the bathroom, closing the door behind her. You decide to clean up around her room. Making her bed, you couldn't help but smile slightly. 'I use to do this for Alex every morning..... God I miss you my lil pup.' you looked up and stared out your Mistress's double door. Memories of you and Alex filled your brain.

"Alex," You coo at your younger brother. He whimpers at you, letting you know that he doesn't want to get up yet. A small smile tugged on your lips as you looked down at him. "Alex you need to get up. You've got school." You gently shake his shoulder. When he wakes, he looks up at pouting. You chuckle at him as you straight up.

"I don't want to get up." He says, "And I don't want to go to school." You stand there, hands on you hip as you looked down at him.

"But you got to, Alex." You said.

"Please, I can't I just skip just for today?" He asked you, giving his puppy eyes at you. Trying to stand your ground, only for you to fail. Giving in. Sighing, you nodded your head but gave him a Stern look.

"Just don't tell your older sister." You glared at him playfully. He beams at you and jumps out of bed. You chuckled at his action. He rushes off to the kitchen and got something to eat. You quickly made his bed and then called the school saying that he won't be in that day. You spent the day playing and teaching him your skills.


You were so lost in your memory that you didn't hear your Lady stepping out of the bathroom. She stares at you from the door. A sigh escapes your lips as you lowered your head missing your lil brother. When you turned around you nearly jumped out of your skin. Your heart literally jumped out your chest.

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