Chapter Four

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As the week goes on, you try hard to focus on your school work, since your graduation is coming up. You work endlessly as getting everything ready before you headed to the castle.

On the day of your graduation, you dress yourself in a nice slacks, and a button up shirt. You sit in your chair in the auditorium waiting for your name to be called.

"Y/N Lockwood." The speaker said.

Your heart races as you walk up to the podium. You walk up and take your diploma, then head back to your seat. After the ceremony, you head out of the auditorium, in need of some refresher. As you head to the cafeteria, you pass your friend from grade school.

"Ava!" You shout across the hall, getting her attention. She looks up at you and a smile spread wide across her face and she waves up at you. You walk up beside her and placed your chin on her shoulder. "Hey."

She turns and smiles, "Hey." She said sounding happy and relieved that school was over for her. "You hungry? Because I'm starving." She giggles and you smiled and nod. You both drive to a near by restaurant and took your seat.

"So," Ava said scooting herself in her chair, "What are you doing to do now that school is over for us?" She puts her head in her hand and stares at you.

You hesitate at first but then blushed, "I'm going to be working as a maid for someone."

Ava leans in, looking curious, "Oh? And who is this person?"

You flush at the thought, "Uh- Just some lady." A very gorgeous lady that is. You thought to yourself.

Ava hums and leans in her seat, "When do you start?"

"Tonight, I have to head over once I get home." A sigh escapes your lips. "To be honest, I'm kinda scared but excited at the same time."

"Well I wish you the best." Ava smiles softly, "And don't forget to call me. I except that."

You chuckle and enjoyed the time with her.

You drive home to find no one there. Sighing you head inside to take one last look around before leaving. You go to your room and stared at all your hard work and memories. You close your door and head back upstairs. Stepping outside, you turn and stared at the house you lived in for most of your life. Tears threaten you escape. Taking a deep breath you take one last look, then walked away.

Leaving everything you once had. The family, the memories, the pain and heartache, all creating distance. You could already feel the pain in your chest when you thought about Alex and wondering where you were. You were going to miss his smile, his laugh, his wonderful giggles. Tears prickle the edge of your eyes as you continue walking away.

After what seemed a half of century, you stood in front of a huge wood melt door. You raise your hand and knocked on the door. A few minutes later a servant girt opens the door and bows.

"You must be the new maiden, please come in." She moves out to the way and allows you in. You take step forward through the doors and gasp at the beauty. The front entry had a huge chandelier hanging from the tall ceiling. The servant girl giggles at your reaction and places her hand on you shoulder. You turn and faced her.

"I know, it's beautiful isn't?" She asked. You can only nod, since you were lost of words. "Well, we should get yu ready. Lady Dimitrescu is having a meeting tonight and we need to get it ready." You nod and follow her through the castle halls and rooms.

The servant girl leads you to a room that had a twin size bed, a night stand, a wardrobe and a pair of servant outfit. "Please get changed and let me know when your done." She bows and leaves you alone. You walk up to the bed and picked up the maids dress. It's black and white looked new but old at the same time. You sigh and strip off your clothes and put on the dress.

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