Chapter 10

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Standing at the top of the stairs, you were stunned to see Alex. Running down the stairs you inbraced Alex into your arms. "Hey, its okay. I've got you." You rubbed his back trying to calm him down. Looking up you see your mother standing there looking shocked. Standing up, you pulled Alex behind you in a protective matter.

"Mother." You deadpanned, "What are you doing here? And why was alex running from you?" your mother still in shock, shook her head and spoke, "Y/N? Is that you?" she asked, avoiding your questions."you look different. What happened to your face."

Glaring at her, you spoke "It doesnt matter. Why was Alex running from you?" Your mother sighs and explains. "Your Step-father and i got into a heated arugement and it scared Alex and he ran." She takes a step closer to you, but you step back, keeping as much distance as you can.

Sending her an icy stare, you spoke in deadpan tone, "Why the hell is he even back? And why the fuck would you let him back after what he did to us?!" Your mother was getting irritated and she snaps. "Look, I'll be taking Alex back home so you can get back to work."

Anger laced your face and were about to speak when Alcina's voice rang out, "What in the bloody hell is going on here?" She asked, with the look of annyoce on her face. "Nothing my lady" you replied, "My mother was about to see herself out."

Your mother shouted at you, "like hell im not. Not without my son!" You shoot her a dirty look and growled, "Alex isnt going anywhere with you after what you said about our step-father being back. Im not having him being around that asshole."

Your mothers face twisted in anger. "But I'm his mother, so he has to come with me." Her words angered you. "You were never his mother. I was more of a mother than anyone who's ever taken care of us. When we first arrived at your house, you didnt even notice us. All you did was go out with your friend and go on dates, not even bothering to take care of us. Before we even we met you, I was the one who was taking care of him. I raised him, Clothed him, Fed him. I did what every mother does for their child." You said raising your voice.

Your mother was too stunned to speak. "Y/N, I-i'm sorry that i wasnt a good of a mother to you and Alex."

Anger boiling in your veins. "YOU'RE SORRY! YOU'RE FUCKING SORRY! After everything you've done?! You litarly sold me off, made me do everything around the house. Not to fucking mention, you never even cared about me or how I felt! All you ever cared about was your goddamn fucking Repbutation!" You screamed as tears streamed down your face. "All I ever fucking wanted was to be loved by you. To be Noticed by you. But no matter how hard I tried, it wasnt good enough in your eyes, Just like I will never be good enough for you will I?"

Tears streaming down your face as you finally in a long time "Why is it so hard for you to love me just the same as you love Alex? Why cant you just be my mother and love me?"

You can see the pain in you mothers face as she stares at you, "Y/N, I am your mother." You burst out lauging at those words, while tears rolled down your face. "Reallt? Cause Mothers are suppose to love their children, not hurt them and push them away. You know because of you and everyone else who's hurt me in the past, I can't trust anyone. I dont like beiong touched because i dont know if they're gonna hurt me or actully love me." Wiping away the tears, you looked up are your mother.

"You dont get it do you?" You said. Your mother looks at you confused. "What? That you're doing all this for attention?"

"No!, Im broken! I'm so fucking broken to the point where i cant be fixed. Theres not a fucking day where i wish I fucking died instead of my fucking best friend. I wish I took her place!" Your mother gasps at what you said. "You cant really mean that! thats not true."

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