Chapter Eight

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Later that evening, after you got all your tasks done, you head to your room to take a moment for yourself. Plopping onto your bed you groan and stretched. Falling asleep, you dream of Alex and the day you took him to the lake one summer. "Y/N?" Alex called out to you. "Yes lil man?" You replied. Alex looks up at you with his bottled green eyes "Can we go for a walk around the lake?" He asked. You can't help but smile at his adorable face. "Of course we can." You say holding out your hand. He takes it with a smile on his face, as you guys started to walk around the lake.

As you make it half around, Alex spotted a baby wolf pup and it's mother few feet away from you. "Y/N!" Alex said grabbing your shirt sleeve "Look!" He points at them. You looked up to where he was pointing at and saw a black pup and it's mother drinking from the lake. "Their so cute Y/N!" Alex looks up at you and smiled. "Yes they are, aren't they." You replied smiling back at him. As you guys walked past them, the mother wolf looks up and stares straight at you and you nod at her. She nods back and you keep walking past them and finished you lap.

Out of nowhere Alex stops and stares at you. "Y/N? Why did you leave me?" He stares at you with tears in his eyes. Suddenly you jumped up in bed, breathing heavily. 'How? There's no way he knows. Right?' You shake your head and get up from bed and made your way to the door. Walking down the hall, one of the maids came up to you and hands you a tray. "Please take this to the den." She said, then walks off. You looked down at the tray then proceeds to the den. Knocking on the door, you walked in to see all the Lords and Mother Miranda all sitting around talking.

You walked up and placed the tray down and set up the stuff. Stepping aside, you try not to listen to their conversation, but you couldn't help but hear;

"I don't understand why Eva isn't taking any of the hosts I give her!" Mother Miranda said.

"Maybe their not strong enough for her?" Alcina responded.

"No! They are strong enough for her!" Miranda snaps.

"Or maybe she's tired." You spoke up. Silence filled the room were you could get a pin drop. Miranda turns and glares at you. "What did you just say?" She asked venom in her voice. "I said" you repeated "maybe she's tired."

"How dare you say that to Mother Miranda!" Karl stood up, grabbing his hammer. "Show some respect, will ya!" He stood in front of you, towering over you. He glares down at you but you just stare back with no emotions or fear. "I'm just stating something that might be true." He growls and raised his hammer and swing down barley missing you by an inch.

You could feel the wind, but didn't flinch. "If you're trying to scare me, it's not working. I'm not scared of you or any of the other lords a long with Mother Miranda." You said with a mono tone. "The reason why your daughter isn't taking any hosts, is because she's tired. Every five or ten years you wake her up, it's like a nap to her." You addressed Miranda.

Mother Miranda stood up and appeared in front of you. "You have no idea what's it's like to lose someone you love dearly." She grabs you face and grits her teeth. You glare back her and grabbed her hand and held it tight. Rage boiling in your veins. "Right, a mear maiden like me wouldn't understand the pain or the heartache of watching someone you love, die before your eyes and you couldn't do anything to help them because you were tied to a fucking chair."

You raised you voice, "Or how it's like to watch as their life leave their eyes as you held them in your arm, covered in their blood! Or having the last conversation before they drew their last fucking breath!" Angry tears streamed down your face. Mother Miranda was shocked as she tired to pull away from you grasp. "You're right, I don't know what's it's like to lose someone I once cared and loved." With that you let go of another Miranda's wrist and stormed out the room.

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